I believe in Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church
Baptism is the primary gift of the Church to the world. There are many signs and symbols associated with baptism. Among them, water, light, and white garment are some of the prominent signs of the Baptism. Baptism is not a ritual or an entrance ticket to be the member of the Church, but it is the act of denial of the sin and all it's effects on one self, and choosing God's way of life in this world. Being baptised means to be called to live a holy life. Choosing to live a holy life in this world. Is it possible to live a holy life while in this world? Questionable statement. The scripture tells us that even a righteous person sin seven times a day while he is in the world. So being holy in this world is not possible by human nature, but we are called to be a holy nation and royal priesthood for the world. How this call could be realized? It is possible only through the power of the Holy Spirit. Baptism opens the doors for the power of Holy Spirit gifts and fruits in ones life. It translates the gifts in to fruits through the life of a baptised human in the world. Baptism transforms the natural human life in to a super natural call of life. Baptism means be washed of the original sins and to be born of the holy Spirit.Water which is used in the baptism is the symbol of Holy Spirit and it signifies that we are born of the Holy Spirit as Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit in the womb of Virgin Mary. Likewise through Baptism the faithful is born of the holy Spirit in the womb of Mother Church, who is the bride of Christ.
What it means or the usefulness of baptised body of Christ to the world? There are millions of possible blessings comes to the world from Heavenly Father to the world as a constant flow of mercy and grace through Mother Church. Mere presence of Church in the world brings hope joy faith to the world and source of salvation of the world here and now in the real time through baptism as an eternal gift to the humanity. Light is another symbol of baptism, which is the call of life. Baptised body of Christ is called to live as a witness as light. Light dispels the darkness and shines as hope guiding people. It provides comfort, warmth, and dispels fear and darkness in the life. In the same way, baptised individual is called to be a light to the world. Collectively, baptised body of Christ, the Mother Church, serve as a light to the world through the gift and fruits of Holy Spirit, through baptismal life.
In baptism, the faithful is given a white garment. This white garment symbolizes the saving grace of our lord Jesus Christ, signifies that the baptised is covered by His death and resurrection. In baptism, the faithful partake in the death, burial, and resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ. While we live in the world, through baptism we are dead to the sin and sinful life, and we are buried with our Lord Jesus as he was buried covered in a white linen, which signifies our life transforms as we subject ourselves to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, by humbling ourselves, as Jesus, the Son of God, who could not die, chose to humble Himself to the death and burial, became the role model of our life on earth and in heaven. As Jesus resurrected from the burial shroud, when we live in the world, we live with the hope of resurrection as eternal blessings. Thus, in baptism, we are buried with Jesus, to live the gospel way of life, to witness to the world. We look forward in resurrection as our hope while we live. By baptism we are conceived by Mother Church and born of the Holy Spirit in the very womb of Mother Church. I believe in holy catholic Church.
Baptism is a call, baptism is a way of life, and baptism is a gift of Holy Spirit to the world through the gift of the mother Church.

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