I believe in Holy Catholic Church: Catholic prayers bring hope and charity of intercession
I believe in Holy Catholic Church

I could write pages and pages of articles about our Holy Father, Pope Francis's first appearance and first blessings. I am like multitudes of Catholics who cannot have enough of him, excited and joyful in the impact of our holy Father has made in the world just with his first blessings. He has connected the Church instantly with the skeptical world, in extending love of friendship, fellowship and brotherhood. He has connected the sanctity of the Church with the Children of the Church, young and old alike, instantly, in his first appearance and blessings. I am fascinated and marveled at his fatherly love in his look, as he was making eye contact with his children, the look of kindness which I will not forget, which gave an instant hope and communicated the love of Christ right away to me and to the crowd at the peter's square and throughout the world. His prayerful look, meaningful look, kind look at his flock, spoke millions of unspoken words, which spread the word of God and God's love in a new dimension. Later when the media interviewed many audiences of that sacred event, there was an evolving tangible and direct theme emerged from all the age group that Holy Father has connected with them instantly and they felt that they are bonded with him right away. Particularly youth expressed his love for him was articulated by his look at them, they saw a loving father in him. I liked a statement one youth made about Holy Father's kind look at his flock from the balcony : " When he was looking at us, He was sizing us and we were sizing him too. Our heart filled with joy instantly. At that moment he connected with us as a father looks at his babies. We love him and we have a father"
What a loving bond holy Father established that day with divine assistance.
Yesterday, church was full for the noon mass. Faithful have gathered to express their thanksgiving to heavenly Father in numbers with a gratitude heart. Many stayed back to say the rosary in gratitude for the gift of the holy Father. Holy Father was in every body's heart and talk. People are so fascinated by him. They talked about his first blessing and first appearance. Some of them are marveled at the name he took, Francis, and they appreciated him. Many talked about his extraordinary life style he leads. Many acclaimed that he is the answer to their prayers. Many talked about his mannerism, poise, humbleness and humility. Some said, Jesuit and Francis, this truly God's work. Many acknowledged the power of prayers and they expressed the admiration for his prayers, invitation of people to pray for him, before he could give his blessings. Thus he has made his first impression in his flock's hearts and talks. I can keep on writing volumes on the holy impression our holy Father made, however, I would like to highlight the theme of prayers which emerged from the demonstrative teaching of our holy father Pope Francis from his first blessing, as I highlight the charity of catholic prayers to the faithful and to the world.
Prayers are human expressions of seeking relationship with heavenly Father. There are many prayers we use in holy Catholic Church, including liturgical prayers and personal prayers. Sources of prayers emerge from faith, love, hope, and charity. Levels of prayers include communal prayers, participatory prayers, meditation prayers, contemplative prayers, and worship through life. While, Church guides faithful with sacraments, liturgy, and Eucharistic presence, choices of prayers in Catholic Church is infinite as the faithful choose to seek God's relationship.
It is evident in the Church history, while following the common Church observance, every devoted religious order had specific focus on specific model of prayer. Some focused on contemplation, while others focused on meditation. some focused on spending their time alone with God, while others found God's presence among the people. In both status, Eucharist, Sacraments, liturgy, and personal prayers were the common denominators.
Catholic prayers are both scriptural and revelation in nature. Many of the prayers used in Catholic personal prayers are scriptural and revealed. Many saints have written many prayers through their life prayer revelations and they are used by catholic faithful as they are approved by Mother Church.
Catholic Prayers are gifts from Mother Church to the world. Prayers bring peace, joy, strength, and blessings through the loving relational grace from Heavenly Father. Catholic prayers are powerful tools of developing personal relationship with Father. Prayers of all kind in the Mother Church, nurture individuals, families, communities, nations, world, and the universe. Prayers are lifted not just for the Catholic people welfare but for entire universe. Holy Mass which is the holy sacrifice, which is offered everyday by Mother Church on behalf of entire universe, remembering the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity love of salvation. Attending a Holy Mass encompasses all the sources, levels, and types of prayers. Holy Mass is a prayer of sacrament prayer of liturgy, prayer of meditation, prayer of contemplation, prayer of presence, prayer of sacrifice, prayer of intercession, prayer of advocate ( Christ as advocate as a high priest), prayer of Holy Spirit etc... all lifted to heaven to the Father by Mother Church the bride with her bridegroom Christ. Holy Mass is the supreme gift of Mother Church to the world from the Father and to the Father on behalf of whole Universe.
Holy Sacraments are gifts of Mother Church to the world. The sacraments bring grace to the people, Church, and to the Universe. As Virgin Mary became the tabernacle for the word incarnate, Mother Church became tabernacle for the word resurrected. As Virgin Mary yielded herself as the sacramental by conceiving the word of God by the power of the Holy Spirit, Mother Church yielded to become the sacramental to expose the resurrected Lord, by the power of the Holy Spirit. As Virgin Mary became the bride of Holy Spirit, Mother Church became the bride of Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. The above mysteries are well placed in the Glorious mysteries of Holy Rosary.
Among the prayers, praying in meditation of the Holy Rosary is a long tradition in Catholic Church. Every one us have role models in our family for our prayers, as prayers begins from home. My father is a firm believer in the daily mass and saying Rosary. Daily mass brings blessings to the faithful, as they are nourished by the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Daily mass also brings blessings to the world through the charity of living Christians who takes Christ from the mass to the public mass through their model, life, love, and charity. In addition, daily mass also brings blessings to the world directly from the Pope's daily mass and daily blessings, and through all the cardinals, bishops, and priests celebration of Holy Mass, as it blesses all creations in the world, with the presence of Jesus Christ.
Almost always we connect ourselves with our holy Father in a special way, as he is the father figure for our Church and the faithful. As, the father figure in any family is powerful in making impact on children life, holy Father's prayers and blessings are charity of mother Church for her children. When I was teen, I had a beautiful spiritual connection with Pope John Paul II, as I have visualized him as my friend ever since. I enjoyed a beautiful spiritual connection with Pope Emeritus Benedict, as I viewed him as my professor and teacher. Now, I have developed a beautiful spiritual connection with Pope Francis in many levels, as I view him as Father, spiritual guide, teacher, and role model.
Among the prayers, praying in meditation of the Holy Rosary is a long tradition in Catholic Church. Every one us have role models in our family for our prayers, as prayers begins from home. My father is a firm believer in the daily mass and saying Rosary. Daily mass brings blessings to the faithful, as they are nourished by the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Daily mass also brings blessings to the world through the charity of living Christians who takes Christ from the mass to the public mass through their model, life, love, and charity. In addition, daily mass also brings blessings to the world directly from the Pope's daily mass and daily blessings, and through all the cardinals, bishops, and priests celebration of Holy Mass, as it blesses all creations in the world, with the presence of Jesus Christ.
Almost always we connect ourselves with our holy Father in a special way, as he is the father figure for our Church and the faithful. As, the father figure in any family is powerful in making impact on children life, holy Father's prayers and blessings are charity of mother Church for her children. When I was teen, I had a beautiful spiritual connection with Pope John Paul II, as I have visualized him as my friend ever since. I enjoyed a beautiful spiritual connection with Pope Emeritus Benedict, as I viewed him as my professor and teacher. Now, I have developed a beautiful spiritual connection with Pope Francis in many levels, as I view him as Father, spiritual guide, teacher, and role model.
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