Angels on rounds Holy Angels on rounds Watching and guarding the faithfuls On the journey to Bethlehem Angels on journey Holy Angels on journey With the faithfuls on travel The journey of redemption joy to the world They sing all along the way Cheering carols on journey In people heart , mind, relations, and dwelling On the journey to Bethlehem Virgin Mother Mary Tabernacle of Word incarnate The humble redemptive dwelling In the union with the Holy Spirit The fruit of redemption - the Virgin womb the savior In Him, Through Him, and with Him Father, Son, and Holy Spirit The Holy Trinity presence Fulfilling divine fellowship among human On the journey to Bethlehem Humble Joseph leading Redemptive family on the Journey Contemplation with Angels Holy family on Journey - to Bring God's glory to the world Hilly mountains trekking Valleys in meadows walking Winding roads they travel There before them multitudes travel There around them many travel There behind them multitudes travel Holy ...