God's presence is guidance
Presence of God brings light and guidance, which enlightens the human heart. God' s presence among humanity is described as, "Emmanuel" which means God is with us and he dwells among us. Human heart is a beutiful creation of God. It is programed to love God and His creations. The very purpose of human creation is to love and proclaim the love of God to the creations. However, in due course the human heart was corrupted by the deciving thoughts that lead the human astray from God's presence in the garden of Eden. From then on, it became the rebellious source and origin of all sins and sinful actions against God and His creations, if a man choose to do so. The beautiful creation became a deceiving treasurey and it lost it's purpose and goal of life. In contrary, by nature human heart is tuned to be guided and nourished by the presence of God. All the more it can be satisfied and contented only by God's presence, other than the mentioned state all other state br...