When Jesus had received the wine, he said, "It is finished"; and he bowed his head and handed over the spirit. Gospel of John 19:30 Crucifixion of Jesus I hear Jesus cry My God, My God, why have you forsaken me. They pushed him, They tossed him, They rolled him in mud, They dragged him to the cross, The skin gave it’s way, The muscles torn away, The nerves twitched on intolerable pains, The blood gushed all over, The thorny crown crushing in head, Rushing blood bleed the beard, Gushing tears mingled blood, Diminish vision even more, Ex cruciate pains take over, Thrashing violent actions, Dashing head against the cross, Rushing new blood in every move, Pain, Pain, Pain, Oh! Sacred pain, Did you see my Lord shiver in thy hands? Did you see him cry in your demands? Did you see him victim of thy clutches? Did you see his limbs fell feeble in thy hands? Blood, blood, blood, Oh! sacred blood, That gushed out to save the world, Wound, wound, wound Oh! Sacred head wound, Saved the w...