Lenten Mission at OLPH Church, Germantown, Memphis USA
It is beginning of March, a junctional season between late winter and the early Spring and I call this season as a swing season, when even nature is confused. In this twilight season One day it will be freezing cold and another day it will be warm and plaesant. I think, from this unpredicted nature of the climate,Spring season derives it's name. Changing weather changes the activities of the nature such as land, trees, plants, birds, and animals and even human. Early budding trees and early blooms appear in the spring early warm breeze, however, in the cold withering breeze, blooms turn limbing denote natures confusion. Waken joy of trees appear in the early leaves buddings but in the changing freeze, the leaves halt its bloom, which suggest that nature itseld does not know the weather and that is the proof that the times, seasons, and lives belong to God. Only God knows the due season and time in the universe and beyond. This season is a good example of changing status of human soul. Cold and warmth appears on and off on the way of human soul in the journey towards eterninty.
As soul constantly experiencing fall and rise throughout it's journey, mother church facilitates the repentence all along the path of her children souls. One such mission of Mother church is the lenten mission during lent season.
Lenten season brings good soul searching and change within each soul in the embrace of mother church and in the fellowship of Trinity. Lenten mission is a purposeful journey of retrospective analysis of soul. Lenten mission is a gift from mother church to her children on the way of her journey towards eterninty. In this mission faithful gather and reflect upon sacred mystries, passion of christ, forgiveness, prayer, repentence and other salvation related concepts, which turn the hearts , mind , and souls towards God.
This year lenten mission was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Benjamin Bernardshaw from Church of Incarnation. Father is an eloquant speaker, humble spirited, humor filled, realistic thinker, pragmatic preacher, logical presenter, rational leader, scholarly speaker, and charismatic youth. From his mannerism, assertiveness, personal presentation of Jesus realistic side, and love for the church, I think he has an unrevealed mystic side in his call and mysticic contemplative life he carries. I also understand He has a strong devotion to bLessed Virgin Mary. In addition, he has deep devotion to the natural and mystic presence of God in Holy Eucharist.
He broke the silence of the OLPH parish on March 4th during Sunday Mass and turn their silence into an outburst of laughter, when he gave his first sermon. I was thrown into a chains of laughter and even I laughed whenever I thought of his description of Trinity prayer symbol, which I have not heard anybody else describing as he described it.
Lenten mission was celebrated at OLPH church for three days from March 5th to March 7th, with church full of people, who came to hear Father from many parishes. He led the people in reflection of prayer, spiritual warfare, and redemptive sufferings. I am not skilled enough to describe all that have been shared by Father. I can say this he ministered to my soul that is my individual perspective and his message was echoing among people in their conversations even after many days, which is a sign that he has ministered to all the souls who have attended. People were very attentive during his peech and they were moved. During break people loved to hang arround him asking many faith questions. There was a palpable genuine love of people towards their priest expressed all those three days. People could not get enough of his sermons, even during break, some of them just sat there contemplating than showing interest to break from their reflections. There was visible fellowship among the people and the priests. It was a symbol of Mother church and her children fellowship in the presence of Holy Trinity. It was very evident that Father was determined to use his annointed call for the conversion of souls. He placed the concepts and broke them with the logical and mystical explanations from Holy Scripture, church catechism,church saints, and church tradition. He was not only a orator but also a healer. Wonderful three days of recollection.
One thing I am compelled to share here. While Father was highlighting the importance of Eucharistic adoration as a communion with God, he also explained that many days when he sat in front of the blessed sacrement, he has fallen into the hands of sleep,however, he does not stop his presence in adoration for last 12 years, instead he was consoled that he was in God's presence with his weaknesses, this concept was a realistic role model for the believers.
I have shared the similar experiences during adoration and I have been healed on all those days when fall into a state known as deep sleep. If I describe it correctly, it is not a trans state, it is not a physical sleep state but a deep serine quiet relaxed state. It is almost could addict the soul and many days I have asked for such experience I don't get it when I ask for it. But it occurs without anticipations on those days when I go to His presence with a heavey heart or burden, when there is no way body could accept a state of sleep but I am consoled by such a rest few times. Many of my writing concepts get organized during such periods.
My husband and I share similar value in adoration, that we pray less during adoration but consider just presenting ourself in Heavenly Father's presence. I always wondered what is this phenomenan of sleep in front of Eucharistic adoration.
It will be worthy of exploring it by faithful people in the presence of God.
Come to me all those who are heavily burderned I will give you rest!
Another concept which exploded mind in father's explanation was that suffering is common for human and nature, however, when nature can only participate in one another suffering,only human can do something about another person's or nature's suffering, in the healing and alleveation of suffering, because human has the image of God. What a great expression of divine truth on human creation from Fr. Benjamin.
Father Benjamin Bernadshaw is in our prayers. He has been an instrument and minister of God for our lenten mission journey.We thank God for the gift of Fr. Benjamin's call and life to our Catholic Church.
Let me take the liberty to appreciate Father Benjamin in american slang
" Father Benjamin, You Rock!!!!!!!"
We the OLPH parishners thank you for being priest and living the holy call.
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