
Showing posts from February, 2011

God's creation: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; wisdom and instruction fools despise.

"In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless wasteland, and darkness covered the abyss, while a mighty wind swept over the waters. Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw how good the light was. God then separated the light from the darkness. God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." Thus evening came, and morning followed - the first day. Then God said, "Let there be a dome in the middle of the waters, to separate one body of water from the other." And so it happened. God made the dome, and it separated the water above the dome from the water below it. God called the dome "the sky." Evening came, and morning followed - the second day. Then God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered into a single basin, so that the dry land may appear." And so it happened: the water under the sky was gathered into its basin, and the ...

Praise the Lord!

All creatures, bless the Lord ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ ‘Blessed are you, Simon Peter.’ Bless the Lord, all his works, praise and exalt him for ever. Bless the Lord, you heavens; all his angels, bless the Lord. Bless the Lord, you waters above the heavens; all his powers, bless the Lord. Bless the Lord, sun and moon; all stars of the sky, bless the Lord. Bless the Lord, rain and dew; all you winds, bless the Lord. Bless the Lord, fire and heat; cold and warmth, bless the Lord. Bless the Lord, dew and frost; ice and cold, bless the Lord. Bless the Lord, ice and snow; day and night, bless the Lord. Bless the Lord, light and darkness; lightning and storm-clouds, bless the Lord. Bless the Lord, all the earth, praise and exalt him for ever. Bless the Lord, mountains and hills; all growing things, bless the Lord. Bless the Lord, seas and rivers; springs and fountains, bless the Lord. Bless the Lord, whales and fish; b...

Prayer for spiritual warfare

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel One day, after celebrating Mass, the aged Pope Leo XIII was in conference with the Cardinals when suddenly he sank to the floor in a deep swoon. Physicians who hastened to his side could find no trace of his pulse and feared that he had expired. However, after a short interval the Holy Father regained consciousness and exclaimed with great emotion: "Oh, what a horrible picture I have been permitted to see!" He had been shown a vision of evil spirits who had been released from Hell and their efforts to destroy the Church. But in the midst of the horror the archangel St. Michael appeared and cast Satan and his legions into the abyss of hell. Soon afterwards Pope Leo XIII composed the following prayer to Saint Michael, which is the original version: Original - Prayer to St. Michael “O Glorious Prince of the heavenly host, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle and in the terrible warfare that we are waging aga...

Do this in rememberence of me ( Idhai enn Ninavagach cheyungal)

Over view and background of writing journey: This writing is for my youth audience: Generally, all the concepts of my writings begin during or from the prayerful reflections from bible in the presence of Eucharistic adoration, or mass, or while saying rosary. I have a routine to reflect upon the ideas, thoughts, and perspectives from few days to few weeks before I start penning them in to written words. During this process, I usually undergo three different stages of thinking process. First, I try to discern the thoughts for a day or two to seek and isolate my inner motives or environmental influences. During this stage, I have found that the ideas will vanish momentum, if the ideas were from the influences or from the selfish motives. In contrary, if the idea persist in my thought process combined with the compulsion from the spirit, then I make note of the ideas and start developing them through a free thinking process. During this phase, usually I shut myself to the worl...

The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want!

Jesus said, " Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." Mathew 7:7-8 I thank God for all the blessings that he has showered upon our family, especially for all the spiritual blessings. By God's grace, in 2010 my third book was published in Tamil by St. Paul publication in India, which was a family venture. The topic of the book is priesthood. This year has brought another blessing that my fourth book has been accepted for publication by the same publication. This book is about the youth and priesthood calling, and it is getting published in the year of youth, which is a special token. Again it is our family project, where my husband and children and their motivational support sustain these efforts. Next, I have completed writing another book, which depicts the topic of family and highlights the family's majesty...