Jesus words from the Cross: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do."

Forgivenesss begins from the forgiveness of oneself. In every forgiving situation the forgiving person is an essential part of the equation and has role in the problem as well. To clap it takes two hands so does any relationship begins from the person and extends to other or vica versa. Acknowledging oneself as a part of the problem takes great deal of humilty, which is a gift of Holy Spirit, which comes with discernment. Acknowledging and picturing self as a part of the problem will lead to the desire to play role in the soultions of mending actions. There is a big difference between discernment and acknowledging self comparing with self pity or self neglect or self blame. It is not a self blame but the discernment process of forgiveness. It is not self pity rather it is self realization. It is not self neglect rather self awareness. This is a gift which accomplishes 50% of the forgiveness, that comes from the Soul which is in tune with Holy Spirit.

Self awareness is to self forgiveness. Self forgiveness is the first step to forgive others. Self forgiveness takes many times takes big blow to the self ego and it demands acceptance of one's weakness with relentless humilty. It is not the human vertue or human rationalization but the conversion of heart comes from the Holy Spirit.This stage takes constant surrendering and subjecting onself to the good faith, good will at the Crucified Lord's feet. While attempting to forgive self, I think it may be effective using Jesus prayer saying, Father forgive me and I know not what I do. From Jesus prayer at the cross, I understand forgiveness comes from God and the prayer comes from Human in the fellowship of Holy Spirit.

Still forgiveness does not stop there. It takes further bravery steps on the way.


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