Mother Church Gifts to the World: Sacramental presence

Mother Church presence in the world is the greatest gift to the world. Once I heard from the sharing of an Anglican preacher from his story of returning to Holy Catholic Church at the age of fifty and after many heights of accomplishments in Anglican Church. Something in his story  touched me profoundly, which is in his statement as he stated, protestants and other denominations are trying to build  the Church by themselves, whereas Jesus has already built the Church, which is mother Catholic Church. How true it is! One Holy Apostolic Church, Holy catholic Church is not a human invention or social engineering. Mother Church is a gift from God Himself to the world and universe. In the mother Church, the resurrected Lord resides and says," I will be with you always to the end of the world".

Mother Church, Holy Catholic Church, I love you and I thank God for your presence in this world.


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