Vegetable garden Harvest: Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together." John 4/36
It is a busy morning. Morning cooking is underway. It is also a very special day. The day of the first harvest from the vegetable garden. The harvest reaching to the kitchen is the special. I am preparing a new recipe using the humble first harvest of the baby radishes with greens. Sizzling onions and garlic spread the aroma through the kitchen, softening tender tomatoes merge itself with the oil, onion, garlic, and green peppers. I add the clean fresh tender cuts of the baby radishes with green just harvested from my garden. It is absolutely a tender feeling I have towards them, when I place them into the frying pan among the seasoning materials. So joyful and I am so thankful to God in honoring my hard work with these harvest. I stir them with little salt and grounded peanut powder and I see them cooked into a tasty green dish. I taste my harvest for the first time, it is yummy and delicious. Totally, it is a trans-formative experience. Beautiful experience, it is to cook my own garden produce of vegetable, especially for the first time. I think everyone should have an opportunity to enjoy these kinds of experiences.
As I was harvesting the radishes from the garden, I was reflecting upon the harvest related bible quote: "Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together." John 4/36 Sower and reaper rejoice with the harvest. Here in our case, we as whole family functioned in this garden to prepare the land, sow, and now we begin to reap the reward. In my perspective, one of the Mother's rewards comes from her family appreciating her cooking. I eagerly waited for that moment for them to taste the baby radish greens fry I had prepared from the garden. I was thrilled to my heart when my family enjoyed and appreciated the first harvest recipe. I reaped my joy, and my joy multiplied.
Exodus calls us to celebrate the harvest as it is written, " You shall keep the Feast of Harvest, of the first fruits of your labor, of what you sow in the field. You shall keep the Feast of In gathering at the end of the year, when you gather in from the field the fruit of your labor."
Harvest is joy, however, it may be big or small, humble or elaborate, plentiful or small yield. Harvest is harvest. It denotes victory, joy, and fulfillment, and it calls for celebration.
Harvest can be many kinds including physical, mental, social, spiritual, and environmental. It extends to the realm of individual, family, and community. Harvest adds meaning to the nature, and all creations. Above all, the harvest comes from God. Fruit of the labor comes from God. A horse can be prepared for the race and can run the race, but the victory comes from God according to the Holy Bible. If God did not protect the house, the labor of the house builders will be in vain. Foundation, blessings, protection, and the yield of harvest comes from God. This concept can be applied to all the works of disciplines we can find in the world. I thank God for His faithfulness showing up in honoring our hard work through this humble first harvest.
When I reflect upon the harvest and celebration theme, I think of all the benefits came as harvest to me, which goes beyond the vegetables. The whole vegetable gardening project has uplifted me in many ways. I call all of those experiences as my harvests. I believe more in the process than in the outcome. I trust, if we are honest and hardworking in trusting God the outcome the result will be taken care by God. I totally believe, while we work our part, if we entrust God to the outcomes, He always shows up with His unfailing faithfulness. While we focus on process and our participation in the process, the fruits, outcomes, and goodness comes from God.
I have reaped harvest in my physical health, as it is evident from my blood tests and annual check up indicators. A designated garden bed for the herbs is beginning to give me the supply of sage, rosemary, lemon balm, and oregano, which I have began to enjoy daily. Looking forward to enjoying them continuously. Physical harvest!
Gardening can be relaxing and a time for meditation and reflection. I have benefited by exercising my mind while I am working in the garden by meditating upon the word of God. I have also found that there is joy in this kind of gardening work, however, challenging and demanding hard work, it may be. This special exercise can be called as psycho social and spiritual harvest.
Harvest brings joy to the family, friends, and community, which are logical fruits of harvest. It is because somebody is working hard and harvesting every day, we have produce in the market. It is because somebody is using their hands and feet, working hard in mud, and exposing themselves to the elements, we are able to comfortably go to the grocery store and buy food. At this moment, I salute all the farmers who have dedicated themselves in producing food for us, so that we can enjoy their hard work yielded produce, for a price, which cannot be equaled to their dedication, devotion, and hard work. As you can see I have found a new appreciation for the farmers who produce food for the community. I thank God for the gift of farmers, who continue to function in accordance with the command of God, given from the Garden of Eden.
Another significant harvest I may consider is that the gardening project has yielded total collaboration within the family members. It was indeed a special time to discover each others' talents and ideas, in some instances to uncover lots of goodness in each other in working together, away from the computer, cell phone, and youtube. It has been great and joyful way to spend the weekends by working on projects in the garden. I am thrilled to discover that my husband and I share an equal passion in gardening. I thank God for that.
Harvest comes from God! Let us thank God for His faithfulness!
As I was harvesting the radishes from the garden, I was reflecting upon the harvest related bible quote: "Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together." John 4/36 Sower and reaper rejoice with the harvest. Here in our case, we as whole family functioned in this garden to prepare the land, sow, and now we begin to reap the reward. In my perspective, one of the Mother's rewards comes from her family appreciating her cooking. I eagerly waited for that moment for them to taste the baby radish greens fry I had prepared from the garden. I was thrilled to my heart when my family enjoyed and appreciated the first harvest recipe. I reaped my joy, and my joy multiplied.
Exodus calls us to celebrate the harvest as it is written, " You shall keep the Feast of Harvest, of the first fruits of your labor, of what you sow in the field. You shall keep the Feast of In gathering at the end of the year, when you gather in from the field the fruit of your labor."
Harvest is joy, however, it may be big or small, humble or elaborate, plentiful or small yield. Harvest is harvest. It denotes victory, joy, and fulfillment, and it calls for celebration.
Harvest can be many kinds including physical, mental, social, spiritual, and environmental. It extends to the realm of individual, family, and community. Harvest adds meaning to the nature, and all creations. Above all, the harvest comes from God. Fruit of the labor comes from God. A horse can be prepared for the race and can run the race, but the victory comes from God according to the Holy Bible. If God did not protect the house, the labor of the house builders will be in vain. Foundation, blessings, protection, and the yield of harvest comes from God. This concept can be applied to all the works of disciplines we can find in the world. I thank God for His faithfulness showing up in honoring our hard work through this humble first harvest.
When I reflect upon the harvest and celebration theme, I think of all the benefits came as harvest to me, which goes beyond the vegetables. The whole vegetable gardening project has uplifted me in many ways. I call all of those experiences as my harvests. I believe more in the process than in the outcome. I trust, if we are honest and hardworking in trusting God the outcome the result will be taken care by God. I totally believe, while we work our part, if we entrust God to the outcomes, He always shows up with His unfailing faithfulness. While we focus on process and our participation in the process, the fruits, outcomes, and goodness comes from God.
I have reaped harvest in my physical health, as it is evident from my blood tests and annual check up indicators. A designated garden bed for the herbs is beginning to give me the supply of sage, rosemary, lemon balm, and oregano, which I have began to enjoy daily. Looking forward to enjoying them continuously. Physical harvest!
Gardening can be relaxing and a time for meditation and reflection. I have benefited by exercising my mind while I am working in the garden by meditating upon the word of God. I have also found that there is joy in this kind of gardening work, however, challenging and demanding hard work, it may be. This special exercise can be called as psycho social and spiritual harvest.
Harvest brings joy to the family, friends, and community, which are logical fruits of harvest. It is because somebody is working hard and harvesting every day, we have produce in the market. It is because somebody is using their hands and feet, working hard in mud, and exposing themselves to the elements, we are able to comfortably go to the grocery store and buy food. At this moment, I salute all the farmers who have dedicated themselves in producing food for us, so that we can enjoy their hard work yielded produce, for a price, which cannot be equaled to their dedication, devotion, and hard work. As you can see I have found a new appreciation for the farmers who produce food for the community. I thank God for the gift of farmers, who continue to function in accordance with the command of God, given from the Garden of Eden.
Another significant harvest I may consider is that the gardening project has yielded total collaboration within the family members. It was indeed a special time to discover each others' talents and ideas, in some instances to uncover lots of goodness in each other in working together, away from the computer, cell phone, and youtube. It has been great and joyful way to spend the weekends by working on projects in the garden. I am thrilled to discover that my husband and I share an equal passion in gardening. I thank God for that.
Harvest comes from God! Let us thank God for His faithfulness!
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