Divine Mercy Miracles: Jesus Calms the Sea and Wind
Scripture: Matthew 8:23-27
23 And when he got into the boat, his disciples followed him. 24 And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. 25 And they went and woke him, saying, "Save, Lord; we are perishing." 26 And he said to them, "Why are you afraid, O men of little faith?" Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. 27 And the men marveled, saying, "What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?"
Where there is doubt, faith
Peace is the divine intervention; Discerning peace through trust in God in family life Mark 4/35-41
Luke 8/22-25
Jesus calls “Let Us Go” The gospel readings reflect the miracle of Jesus where he calms the deadly storm in the lake during the travel with his disciples. Let us reflect upon the lake and the boat. It was evening when there was gentle breeze on the lake. Evening Sunrays spread golden mantle on the lake. Sky was filled with running clouds and chattering birds returning to nests. Day fishermen retuning to the shore and the night fishermen getting ready to launch their boat that made the lakeshore very busy. Along the lakeside, the businesspersons’ bargains echoed among the crowd of nearby fish market. The massive water body in the lake remained quiet as usual. There came Jesus and His disciples near the lake. Jesus said to His disciples, “Let us go across to the other side of the lake.”
The next aspect of Jesus saying, “Let us Go,” indicates that Jesus travelled with them. In our day today life, situations acknowledging Jesus presence among us is a imperative task to maintain peace during trials of life. As he said to the disciples near the lake let us go, today also God in His Omnipresence and in His will, He has plans to travel with us every day. We are not alone in this life. We belong to Him and he loves us not by our choice but by His choice. God is with us all the time in our life, irrespective of our choices, decisions, and actions. His presence is faithful gift to us.
Jesus who is the son of God, who knew all that is going to happen, is leading the disciples to go in to the boat through his call and presence. When we know that God is with us all the time, during the times of needs, trials and troubles, it is possible we may find Him in the midst of the troubled situation, if we seek Him. Knowledge precedes the action and knowing His omnipresence in this world is a powerful tool to maintain peace in the life.
We are very comfortable in secluding God’s presence into the church and church related experiences or activities and we are not used with the act of acknowledging and recognizing God’s presence in our natural day today life. We selectively choose some of our areas of our life to the Father, whereas, He is passionately waiting to guide us everyday in our entire natural ways of our lives. We limit God’s presence to the mystic world and we are not aware of his presence here and now matters in our lives. Unless we recognize His presence in our daily details of our lives, we will be missing the mark of our potential purpose of our life, which is the gospel way of life bringing good news to the world. The good news is peace, which comes from the resurrection of our Lord. When the humanity declares God’s reign in the world the world becomes the heaven by extending God’s kingdom.
Jesus got into the boat
“The disciples got in to the boat in which Jesus was already sitting and they took him with them”
Mark 4/36
When disciples got in to the boat Jesus was already in the boat. When we follow the God’s will God’s presence goes before us. Before we could arrive to the place and situations of life God is already there. Before we could encounter the troubles and temptations, Jesus is already there to lead us and share the burden with us and for us. Before we could begin the journey of life, God is already there to travel with us. Knowing this truth is very essential for faith walk, the life choices, and decisions in the life. If we experience the joy and jubilee, God is there before us. If we experience hardships and sufferings, God is there before us. Discerning His presence in the life situations is the fruit of faith journey.
In some of the bible versions as it is in Good News Bible, you can find that it is written they took Him with them, which indicates that not only Jesus went in to the boat before them but also the disciples acknowledged His presence as they went with Him. This concept reveals another great truth of faith. God’s presence is every where but understanding, discerning, and acknowledging his presence in the life situation is made possible through the human faithful actions. Let us understand this concept with an example. For example, there may be abundance of water in the river but unless the thirsty traveler make an effort to drink the water the water stay still with no ability to quench the thirst and the traveler may go thirsty with no relief. In the same way, God’s presence is everywhere, but it is through the exercise of faith one can find the peace in God’s presence. Acknowledging God’s presence in the life situation is the primary step to receive the peace comes from God’s presence.
Seeking God’s presence and knowing He is there in the midst of life is a consoling experience during the times of need and troubles. The very act of seeking Him will bring forth the peace to our soul. A small wishful prayer from the soul, asking God to reveal himself in those timings is very helpful to find peace in the life.
Journey with Jesus in the boat
In our life, we seek for love and friendship constantly. The love and warmth of being together and belong to each other bind us together. For disciples, the journey with Jesus was similar in nature. They found his friendship. They saw Him growing in people love and His charisma and life attracted each of those disciples. They heard him speak with authority, heal the sick, drive out the demons and he loved the disciples’ friendship. They ate together, traveled together, lived together, and served people together. When he called them, they left behind all that they have been to answer his call. As he said to some of them “Come and See” ever since they were called they were witnessing his life. He guided them as a great teacher, great philosopher, great leader, great friend, and great servant.
Likewise, answering the call of Jesus is to live with him. Once we have made the decision to follow him, we are in the journey of sharing his life and life in his presence. Every one of us has unique call from him and a unique role to be fulfilled in this world through us, which no one can replace. The call is unique so does the life and life situations will be. While we journey with him with the awareness of his constant presence and guidance, the divine peace live in us.
Disciples Journey with Jesus was an experience in their life. Disciples’ experienced a transforming journey that built them, shaped them, and directed them for higher purpose. Their life was lifted up above the norms and surpassed every nature of the human life to serve God in his kingdom, which was the ultimate purpose of life. Similarly, those who consciously follow Christ in their day today life choose to live a transforming life that which is to serve the higher purposes. For this reason, when we choose to live and follow the cross, we encounter many testing, temptations, and trials, which train us for the purpose. In turn, we become the warriors in the kingdom of God.
In summary, life is like a journey in the boat on the lake. Knowing his presence in the journey is the peace. Understanding the revelation of God’s purpose in us to the world is the outcome of our life journey. Along the journey, we enjoy the love and friendship of our Lord presence with us throughout the life. This benefit brings peace to the soul making the journey meaningful more than the destination. When we live in His friendship our life is no ordinary life it transforms into an extraordinary life of love. The reflection that comes from His love and friendship radiates all around our life, which is perceived by others in us while we live the earthly life and that is amenable for the human sight and understanding.
Storm and imminent danger of sinking
Life with Jesus has many surprises. In this life we climb many mountains, we cross many valleys, we drink from many springs, we travel through many deserts, we swim through many oceans. There are many twists and turns in this life. In all those situations, we are assured with God’s omnipresence as the resource to guide us. Some times, we win the situations with victory jubilee and other times we may face the defeat. However, God uses both victory and defeat to serve us for our goodness. We can reflect upon our own life and find the situations of our successes and falls where we responded and continued to grow with divine guidance. I have seen in my life both stages of developments and I have seen both situations have served the purposes of God’s will, of some purposes I have understood, some I have not understood, but I am aware that my God is capable of bringing goodness through any situations.
If I have to be very open, I have seen that God uses our falls very strongly to refine our soul and His presence is very vivid to the natural realm, when we struggle. He will use any thing in our immediate proximity to show his love. It is so interesting how he assures us and tries to get our attention with his presence in times of struggles, like a lover. The peace, which comes from his presence, is almost reinforcing with positive strokes to the understanding, it is almost addictive to the soul, where soul love to dwell in that stage with Lord. Once a soul has experienced this peace during trials, it will gain strength to face the trials for higher purpose. The soul will strive to keep away from sin in order to have the friendship of God.
In disciples’ journey with Jesus in the boat, there was a storm brewing in the lake. The clouds were becoming dark and running fast below the sky. The sky looked gloomy with dark water laden clouds. Wind was howling at greater speed. The lake started to react to the wind creating mighty tall giant waves that rolled over with choppy water mass. The boat started to pitch on the waves up and down. Boat was jumping up on the waves thrown down with wind with the fall of the waves. Disciples used all their skills to adjust to the ordeals and struggles of journey on the boat with storm. The storm was crossing them heavily. The situation got very worse that they were about to be thrown of the boat because the wind was very severe near them. Now they turn to their savior. He was sleeping in the midst of that chaos. They shouted and cried for help waking up Jesus from his sleep.
When we follow Jesus, we are not immune to the testing and trials in the life. Nevertheless, having faith is a strength, which enables us to acknowledge God’s presence in the midst of the struggles. It is an eternal gift of the Christians, who live by the faith. Another side of this concept is that those who have faith have a place to go when in trouble, which is God’s presence, and enjoy divine peace, whereas those who do not have faith are unable to understand or perceive His presence, although God’s presence is common for both groups. Those who do not exercise faith in God tend to go to the worldly remedies when trouble comes on the way and return with no peace.
Jesus was at sleep during storm
When I read this passage in the bible almost all the time, I am intrigued by the act of Jesus. He was sleeping when the disciples were crying for their life. It interests my thinking cycles. The storm and its effects were common for all in the boat including Jesus. How was He able to sleep during that chaos? Was He portraying the divine presence and divine peace within him? Was He teaching the disciples the meaning of the verse, “Be still and know that I am God”?
Disciples were crying for help with the imminent fear of death, while Jesus was sleeping. Jesus sleep during the storm reveals many stages of faith. It speaks of the fact that
God’s presence is constant during the times of troubles. However, the choices we make in our life are totally left to our freedom. His passive presence indicates that God is there near us when we need Him, but the life is ours and how we live the life is in our hands and it rest in our choices with our own free will. God respects the human will and He gets excited when we choose him in our lives of our own free will.
Jesus sleep during the storm also teaches us to choose peace during the times of troubles. A child sleeps in the mothers arms knowing nothing of the environment. In the same way, a soul with a child like faith will be at peace in the times of troubles knowing God’s presence, care, and his power. It will rely upon God for solutions.
Disciples were calling Jesus to help them, which was the natural response of the soul. The soul seeks God when in times of need. They called out loud, “save us Lord we are about to die.” In this call, Jesus woke up but He was also admonishing the disciples saying, “Why are you so frightened? How little faith you have? These two questions of Jesus push me to ponder upon them and reflect upon them, because I am with disciples, anyone at distress would call for help, which is what exactly disciples did. However, Jesus expected little more from them. He expected them to have faith. He expected them to be not to be frightened. Is this status possible during troubles and trials?
Analyzing the entire journey on the boat from the beginning till now, I found that the journey was undertaken with Jesus call saying, Let Us go”. Therefore, the journey belongs to God, who has designed the journey, so he will guide through the journey. This understanding is the first level of trust comes from the faith. Next, I look closely to the destination of the journey. The destination of the Journey was also determined by God himself, which is indicated in the verse, “Let us go across to the other side of the lake.” If God called, someone with some purpose to reach to the destination he will make it happen, because God is faithful in his call and guidance through the journey. Eureka, knowing this truth is the next level of faith. Exactly this is the faith he wanted the disciples to have and exercise that faith during struggles. He did not discourage their call but he did admonish their fear of death, when he has will for them to cross the lake with life not to die but to live.
There is no hide and seek game in the life which is guided by God’s presence. The soul will be able to discern and travel in faith through the life knowing God’s will. God does reveal himself as He revealed Himself in the ancient days, in all times and places in the natural realm, as he could be found by the souls. He also guides the souls revealing their destiny that strengthens the faith of the souls.
Jesus was teaching the faith life, by his presence, his peace, his actions, and by his very faith on His Father. He also expected disciples to exercise their faith in finding peace and stay in peace in the times of trouble. He also expects faith from us who are called to live with him in his presence.
Jesus stood up and commanded wind “Be quiet”
Said to the waves “Be still”
There was great calm
Finally, Jesus stood up and commanded the waves and wind to be quiet. There was peace in the lake. This action of Jesus was beyond the nature and super natural as wind waves obeyed him and became quiet. The nature, which was created by the word of God, which has his signature among them, became quiet when they heard the voice of same word of God. Nature was sensitive to his voice and obeyed him. This action of Jesus assures our souls that God will intervene through his natural and super natural ways to save us. The intervention is peace. The super natural intervention is peace during the times of troubles.
God’s word brings peace. The word of god the Son of God through Him all this were created and all on earth and above bow before His name. His word has authority over all the circumstances and situations. St. Francis of Assisi had understood this concept in his life and he taught us to live the Gospel life by following God’s word to become the instruments of peace. God’s word brings life as the Father God in creation realized through His words and in Jesus life on earth, He raised the dead through His words. God’s word brings peace among the sick as Jesus healed all those who were sick and afflicted by His authority and word. God’s word brings peace to the soul’s conversions as Jesus teachings brought conversion to the disciples’ life and it continues in our lives. Let there be peace. Let the peace lead us in the times of trials.
Peace is the divine intervention; Discerning peace through trust in God in family life
Luke 8/22-25
Jesus calls “Let Us Go” The gospel readings reflect the miracle of Jesus where he calms the deadly storm in the lake during the travel with his disciples. Let us reflect upon the lake and the boat. It was evening when there was gentle breeze on the lake. Evening Sunrays spread golden mantle on the lake. Sky was filled with running clouds and chattering birds returning to nests. Day fishermen retuning to the shore and the night fishermen getting ready to launch their boat that made the lakeshore very busy. Along the lakeside, the businesspersons’ bargains echoed among the crowd of nearby fish market. The massive water body in the lake remained quiet as usual. There came Jesus and His disciples near the lake. Jesus said to His disciples, “Let us go across to the other side of the lake.”
The next aspect of Jesus saying, “Let us Go,” indicates that Jesus travelled with them. In our day today life, situations acknowledging Jesus presence among us is a imperative task to maintain peace during trials of life. As he said to the disciples near the lake let us go, today also God in His Omnipresence and in His will, He has plans to travel with us every day. We are not alone in this life. We belong to Him and he loves us not by our choice but by His choice. God is with us all the time in our life, irrespective of our choices, decisions, and actions. His presence is faithful gift to us.
Jesus who is the son of God, who knew all that is going to happen, is leading the disciples to go in to the boat through his call and presence. When we know that God is with us all the time, during the times of needs, trials and troubles, it is possible we may find Him in the midst of the troubled situation, if we seek Him. Knowledge precedes the action and knowing His omnipresence in this world is a powerful tool to maintain peace in the life.
We are very comfortable in secluding God’s presence into the church and church related experiences or activities and we are not used with the act of acknowledging and recognizing God’s presence in our natural day today life. We selectively choose some of our areas of our life to the Father, whereas, He is passionately waiting to guide us everyday in our entire natural ways of our lives. We limit God’s presence to the mystic world and we are not aware of his presence here and now matters in our lives. Unless we recognize His presence in our daily details of our lives, we will be missing the mark of our potential purpose of our life, which is the gospel way of life bringing good news to the world. The good news is peace, which comes from the resurrection of our Lord. When the humanity declares God’s reign in the world the world becomes the heaven by extending God’s kingdom.
Jesus got into the boat
“The disciples got in to the boat in which Jesus was already sitting and they took him with them”
Mark 4/36
When disciples got in to the boat Jesus was already in the boat. When we follow the God’s will God’s presence goes before us. Before we could arrive to the place and situations of life God is already there. Before we could encounter the troubles and temptations, Jesus is already there to lead us and share the burden with us and for us. Before we could begin the journey of life, God is already there to travel with us. Knowing this truth is very essential for faith walk, the life choices, and decisions in the life. If we experience the joy and jubilee, God is there before us. If we experience hardships and sufferings, God is there before us. Discerning His presence in the life situations is the fruit of faith journey.
In some of the bible versions as it is in Good News Bible, you can find that it is written they took Him with them, which indicates that not only Jesus went in to the boat before them but also the disciples acknowledged His presence as they went with Him. This concept reveals another great truth of faith. God’s presence is every where but understanding, discerning, and acknowledging his presence in the life situation is made possible through the human faithful actions. Let us understand this concept with an example. For example, there may be abundance of water in the river but unless the thirsty traveler make an effort to drink the water the water stay still with no ability to quench the thirst and the traveler may go thirsty with no relief. In the same way, God’s presence is everywhere, but it is through the exercise of faith one can find the peace in God’s presence. Acknowledging God’s presence in the life situation is the primary step to receive the peace comes from God’s presence.
Seeking God’s presence and knowing He is there in the midst of life is a consoling experience during the times of need and troubles. The very act of seeking Him will bring forth the peace to our soul. A small wishful prayer from the soul, asking God to reveal himself in those timings is very helpful to find peace in the life.
Journey with Jesus in the boat
In our life, we seek for love and friendship constantly. The love and warmth of being together and belong to each other bind us together. For disciples, the journey with Jesus was similar in nature. They found his friendship. They saw Him growing in people love and His charisma and life attracted each of those disciples. They heard him speak with authority, heal the sick, drive out the demons and he loved the disciples’ friendship. They ate together, traveled together, lived together, and served people together. When he called them, they left behind all that they have been to answer his call. As he said to some of them “Come and See” ever since they were called they were witnessing his life. He guided them as a great teacher, great philosopher, great leader, great friend, and great servant.
Likewise, answering the call of Jesus is to live with him. Once we have made the decision to follow him, we are in the journey of sharing his life and life in his presence. Every one of us has unique call from him and a unique role to be fulfilled in this world through us, which no one can replace. The call is unique so does the life and life situations will be. While we journey with him with the awareness of his constant presence and guidance, the divine peace live in us.
Disciples Journey with Jesus was an experience in their life. Disciples’ experienced a transforming journey that built them, shaped them, and directed them for higher purpose. Their life was lifted up above the norms and surpassed every nature of the human life to serve God in his kingdom, which was the ultimate purpose of life. Similarly, those who consciously follow Christ in their day today life choose to live a transforming life that which is to serve the higher purposes. For this reason, when we choose to live and follow the cross, we encounter many testing, temptations, and trials, which train us for the purpose. In turn, we become the warriors in the kingdom of God.
In summary, life is like a journey in the boat on the lake. Knowing his presence in the journey is the peace. Understanding the revelation of God’s purpose in us to the world is the outcome of our life journey. Along the journey, we enjoy the love and friendship of our Lord presence with us throughout the life. This benefit brings peace to the soul making the journey meaningful more than the destination. When we live in His friendship our life is no ordinary life it transforms into an extraordinary life of love. The reflection that comes from His love and friendship radiates all around our life, which is perceived by others in us while we live the earthly life and that is amenable for the human sight and understanding.
Storm and imminent danger of sinking
Life with Jesus has many surprises. In this life we climb many mountains, we cross many valleys, we drink from many springs, we travel through many deserts, we swim through many oceans. There are many twists and turns in this life. In all those situations, we are assured with God’s omnipresence as the resource to guide us. Some times, we win the situations with victory jubilee and other times we may face the defeat. However, God uses both victory and defeat to serve us for our goodness. We can reflect upon our own life and find the situations of our successes and falls where we responded and continued to grow with divine guidance. I have seen in my life both stages of developments and I have seen both situations have served the purposes of God’s will, of some purposes I have understood, some I have not understood, but I am aware that my God is capable of bringing goodness through any situations.
If I have to be very open, I have seen that God uses our falls very strongly to refine our soul and His presence is very vivid to the natural realm, when we struggle. He will use any thing in our immediate proximity to show his love. It is so interesting how he assures us and tries to get our attention with his presence in times of struggles, like a lover. The peace, which comes from his presence, is almost reinforcing with positive strokes to the understanding, it is almost addictive to the soul, where soul love to dwell in that stage with Lord. Once a soul has experienced this peace during trials, it will gain strength to face the trials for higher purpose. The soul will strive to keep away from sin in order to have the friendship of God.
In disciples’ journey with Jesus in the boat, there was a storm brewing in the lake. The clouds were becoming dark and running fast below the sky. The sky looked gloomy with dark water laden clouds. Wind was howling at greater speed. The lake started to react to the wind creating mighty tall giant waves that rolled over with choppy water mass. The boat started to pitch on the waves up and down. Boat was jumping up on the waves thrown down with wind with the fall of the waves. Disciples used all their skills to adjust to the ordeals and struggles of journey on the boat with storm. The storm was crossing them heavily. The situation got very worse that they were about to be thrown of the boat because the wind was very severe near them. Now they turn to their savior. He was sleeping in the midst of that chaos. They shouted and cried for help waking up Jesus from his sleep.
When we follow Jesus, we are not immune to the testing and trials in the life. Nevertheless, having faith is a strength, which enables us to acknowledge God’s presence in the midst of the struggles. It is an eternal gift of the Christians, who live by the faith. Another side of this concept is that those who have faith have a place to go when in trouble, which is God’s presence, and enjoy divine peace, whereas those who do not have faith are unable to understand or perceive His presence, although God’s presence is common for both groups. Those who do not exercise faith in God tend to go to the worldly remedies when trouble comes on the way and return with no peace.
Jesus was at sleep during storm
When I read this passage in the bible almost all the time, I am intrigued by the act of Jesus. He was sleeping when the disciples were crying for their life. It interests my thinking cycles. The storm and its effects were common for all in the boat including Jesus. How was He able to sleep during that chaos? Was He portraying the divine presence and divine peace within him? Was He teaching the disciples the meaning of the verse, “Be still and know that I am God”?
Disciples were crying for help with the imminent fear of death, while Jesus was sleeping. Jesus sleep during the storm reveals many stages of faith. It speaks of the fact that
God’s presence is constant during the times of troubles. However, the choices we make in our life are totally left to our freedom. His passive presence indicates that God is there near us when we need Him, but the life is ours and how we live the life is in our hands and it rest in our choices with our own free will. God respects the human will and He gets excited when we choose him in our lives of our own free will.
Jesus sleep during the storm also teaches us to choose peace during the times of troubles. A child sleeps in the mothers arms knowing nothing of the environment. In the same way, a soul with a child like faith will be at peace in the times of troubles knowing God’s presence, care, and his power. It will rely upon God for solutions.
Disciples were calling Jesus to help them, which was the natural response of the soul. The soul seeks God when in times of need. They called out loud, “save us Lord we are about to die.” In this call, Jesus woke up but He was also admonishing the disciples saying, “Why are you so frightened? How little faith you have? These two questions of Jesus push me to ponder upon them and reflect upon them, because I am with disciples, anyone at distress would call for help, which is what exactly disciples did. However, Jesus expected little more from them. He expected them to have faith. He expected them to be not to be frightened. Is this status possible during troubles and trials?
Analyzing the entire journey on the boat from the beginning till now, I found that the journey was undertaken with Jesus call saying, Let Us go”. Therefore, the journey belongs to God, who has designed the journey, so he will guide through the journey. This understanding is the first level of trust comes from the faith. Next, I look closely to the destination of the journey. The destination of the Journey was also determined by God himself, which is indicated in the verse, “Let us go across to the other side of the lake.” If God called, someone with some purpose to reach to the destination he will make it happen, because God is faithful in his call and guidance through the journey. Eureka, knowing this truth is the next level of faith. Exactly this is the faith he wanted the disciples to have and exercise that faith during struggles. He did not discourage their call but he did admonish their fear of death, when he has will for them to cross the lake with life not to die but to live.
There is no hide and seek game in the life which is guided by God’s presence. The soul will be able to discern and travel in faith through the life knowing God’s will. God does reveal himself as He revealed Himself in the ancient days, in all times and places in the natural realm, as he could be found by the souls. He also guides the souls revealing their destiny that strengthens the faith of the souls.
Jesus was teaching the faith life, by his presence, his peace, his actions, and by his very faith on His Father. He also expected disciples to exercise their faith in finding peace and stay in peace in the times of trouble. He also expects faith from us who are called to live with him in his presence.
Jesus stood up and commanded wind “Be quiet”
Said to the waves “Be still”
There was great calm
Finally, Jesus stood up and commanded the waves and wind to be quiet. There was peace in the lake. This action of Jesus was beyond the nature and super natural as wind waves obeyed him and became quiet. The nature, which was created by the word of God, which has his signature among them, became quiet when they heard the voice of same word of God. Nature was sensitive to his voice and obeyed him. This action of Jesus assures our souls that God will intervene through his natural and super natural ways to save us. The intervention is peace. The super natural intervention is peace during the times of troubles.
God’s word brings peace. The word of god the Son of God through Him all this were created and all on earth and above bow before His name. His word has authority over all the circumstances and situations. St. Francis of Assisi had understood this concept in his life and he taught us to live the Gospel life by following God’s word to become the instruments of peace. God’s word brings life as the Father God in creation realized through His words and in Jesus life on earth, He raised the dead through His words. God’s word brings peace among the sick as Jesus healed all those who were sick and afflicted by His authority and word. God’s word brings peace to the soul’s conversions as Jesus teachings brought conversion to the disciples’ life and it continues in our lives. Let there be peace. Let the peace lead us in the times of trials.
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