I believe in Holy Catholic Church: Mother Church gifts to 21st Century
Dawn of this century began with somuch expectations,anticipations, and predictions among the historians and philosophers of all known human intelligence. Mother Church along with the world got ready for a new season and new spring. However, the world history has taken an unexpected, unforseen, drastic turn,when terrorism took over the guts of the world and challenged all the humanisms and human goodness in the world, which is a growing challenge of this century. Century after century, the world has faced various philosophies and their imposed challenges and influential results on the humanity. Infact, if we analyze with fair mind, all the happenings in the current world have foundations in past centuries human philosophies, policies, decisions, and actions. One among those results, 21st century is undergoing a cosmic challenge to combat terrorism and the end results of human crafted divisive tactics. There is confusion everywhere in the world. There is struggle for power, money, and fame among the nations. Human greediness has reached to or even has surpassed the level of Sodom Gomera of ancient time. Science and technology evolves unlimitedly throughout the world. Most of the world consists/rise of genius in knowledge human in epic proportions in all walks of live. Human knowledge has reached beyond utilitarian philosophy, which is beyond the situation at the tower of Babylon of ancient time. One major good sign in the world among these happening is that entire humanity is aware of its problem and they are trying to find the way. The whole world is in search of peace and prosperity. World is looking for remedy outside human interventions. There is thirst for faith everywhere. Humanity is trying to understand what it means to have real human freedom such as freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of life. The world shows apathy or perhaps became tired of human interventions. Perhaps it has seen the limits or the unfavorable end results of the human interventions. We can almost palpate the need for heavenly intervention for peace is present in the world at this time. There is a need for reflections, contemplations, and prayers in the world.
In this background, I would consider, Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI's reign is a heavenly gift to the world. His philosophies of prayer, penence, and love in action are some of the heavenly interventions to this world. In His reign Mother Church has turned to the reflections, prayers, and faith traditions, seeking heavenly grace. I believe, Holy Catholic Church faith proclaims God's love for human, God's redemption for human through human life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is the salvation gift of God to the world for ever and for all times before and all times to come. Church presence on earth proclaims faith for eterninty and it's role in human salvation has no end. No matter how many ideologies or philosophies might shake the world, or polarise the world, Mother Church will be always there to console and comfort the people. Mother Church presence is the tesatement of God's love to this world. God loved this world therefore He send His begotten Son and He created the Church through which He made the new covenant saying, " I will be with you always". Thus we can know that Mother Church presence in the world is representation of God's presence in this world. Her children are angels of peace to the world. Mother Church children are lights and salts to the world. They are channels of heavenly interventions to the world. Among the countless gifts of peace angels from the Church, I admire Holy Father and Mother Angelica, who are working in setting the role model for the current and future generations. I love Mother Angelica so much. She is highly spiritual yet practical human. She is mystical yet visionary. She is a contemplative reclused reflectionary yet a compelling missionary. Her life is a response of a faithful soul to her Savior's call in mordern times. Her unique response has highlighted and shine lights on power of God shining through a willing soul's persona. She is a legend who arise from the land of cloister and transcends to the forthright interventionalist. In her response to her call, I see the power of prayer, contemplation fufillment in action. She is model of highlighting Mother Church to the world. Any one who could attend one( First) Holy Mass at Most Blessed Sacrement Shrine would see how much love she has for Mother Church and all her traditions. She is an example how a single soul effort and persevernce to obey God's call against all the odds including her call and nature of life could change the world for good or impact the world or influence the world in goodness. You can vividly see her child like heart which has been captivated by the infant Jesus in her smile, talks, writings, more loudly in her actions and all the things she has built or organized. Visionay, missionary, and a penetent all in one who is Mother Angelica. I love Mother Angelica, I travel to Hanscville Albama every 6 months just to breath the air she breaths just to see the heavenly empire she has built in this world, just to be motivated by her role model. I consider myself so blessed just to say that I live in the time when she lives. Mother Angelica is a symbol of Mother Church gift to this world for this century. She is role model which declares devotion, dedication,and service of God is an artful tasteful way of life in this world. Serving the heavenly king is her way of life. Uncompromised service in full human ability is her devotion. She is a gift of Mother Church to the world and she resembles millions and multitudes of priests and Nuns who live and serve in our times as the gift of Mother Church to the world.
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