"Come after me": Innocent first martyrs for Jesus Christ: Infant Jesus disciples

The innocent children who were the ransom to the rage of the Herod were infant Jesus disciples and they became the first martyrs for Jesus Christ. They were innocent, they shared the geography and the culture of Jesus at that time. They were born proximal to the time  of Jesus birth. They laid their lives in the purpose of shielding the good news. They were numerous, numberless, and multitudes, who found the holy cause for their short lived life and attained martyrdom for Jesus.

Multitudes of martyrs follow their foot steps till today for the cause of good news. Martyrs are from all walks of life including Priests, Nuns, religious, lay people, families, and even communities. They face martyrdom in witnessing Jesus Christ in their call of life throughout the ages. Martyrdom can be two kinds such as laying ones life for the Good news( dying for good news), another can be living the life of self denial as holy sacrifice( choosing to live the life for spreading good news)( Living for Jesus) for the cause of good news. Both have significant implications in spreading good news to the world. Either way discipleship takes martyrdom in various degrees in ones life. While martyrdom becomes the outcome of the witnessing life for few, for many martyrdom moments are interlaced within the day to day living. I think majority of the disciples lead the later kind of life.

During a conversation other day, when I was discussing this concept to Fr. Antony CM in India, he said that Mother Mary's life  is a best example for a white martyrdom life of a disciple. She conceived the word, she carried the good news, stood by Jesus in His sufferings, and she stood by the Apostles and the disciples even after Jesus death and resurrection. Through every stage of her life, she was a living martyr and her life was entirely devoted for Jesus birth, upbringing, and ministry, as she was Jesus prime disciple as well.

When one subjects ones life to Jesus Christ and live their life for Jesus Christ, that person is crucified with our Lord Jesus Christ, as per St. Paul statement. Realizing that type of life goal in his life, St. Paul said that he no longer lives but  in him Jesus Christ lives.Jesus also gave us few criteria for becoming His disciples. Among them, Jesus asked the disciples to carry their own cross to follow Him. Carrying cross in this life is common to all, which is known as suffering, however Carrying ones cross for Jesus Christ is crucifixion and  martyrdom, which is a transformed suffering and suffering for greater cause, which is holy. This way of life may demand greater virtues, which could challenge the human abilities, limitations, and societal norms and expectations. Basic for this discipleship quality is undivided love for God and having or developing a child like heart, which forgives all at all the time. for the sake of Jesus. Discipleship life is a call given to all who are baptized. Many are called, but few are chosen.


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