"Come after me": Family life is a call of discipleship life: Visitation

I have  found a spiritual teacher, who is very gentle and soft spoken, yet profound in her teaching. Her soft spoken words have strength to penetrate the hearts quickly and gently, which could result in quickening of searching hearts and thirsty souls. I met her for the first time two years ago, when I first enrolled myself to be a PRE teacher in Memphis. Ever since, I wanted to attend many sections of her classes in Memphis Dioceses, but I could not do so very often, last year. However, this year her class topics attracted my attention and I decided to attend as many as classes as possible.  I got hooked to the first class I attended this year, which was titled as, " 7 best habits of effective catechist".  I have studied and taught Covey's principles of management. In this class, the spiritual materials were presented based upon Covey's principles, a novel way of presentation. Ever since, I look forward for the Saturdays I could attend her classes. Are you wondering who is the teacher? She is none other than Sr. Cathy, at Diocese of Memphis. Sister is a Dominican Nun and she witnesses to her call by her teaching. Sister is an excellent teacher, gifted scholar, gentle spirited person, and devoted catechist.

Today many of us from many parishes met at St. Francis Church for the class. The class is from 9 am to 2.45 pm. I really did not know how the time flew by. What a structure? Wonderful presentations! what a logical way of sequencing presentations? I am an unworthy student and traveler seated among the Gifted, talented, and devoted catechists. What a blessing?  We were nourished by many DRE s presentations, who came from many parishes along with Sr. Cathy. What a spiritual banquet of lessons they laid in front of us today?

The presenters were many and all of them presented different  and distinctive ways of  teaching and conducting the celebration of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. I witnessed the versatile beauty of Holy Spirit's gifts displayed in each one of those presenters. I admired the majesty of Holy Spirit in many different ways the catechists realized their  teaching methods. Multiple teaching methods to effect, capture, and to make impact on the children faith and families.  Many DREs brought their materials to the table and shared with the group through their presentations. All of them were excellent. I spare their identity to maintain their anonymity. Among them, I was fascinated by a young couple, who is serving God in a parish, as Catechists and they did their presentations as couple. I witnessed a harmony, synchronization, genuineness, Majesty, and beauty in their presence, which highlighted the visitation function of discipleship of  a family.

In visitation, I visualize the Mother of God carrying the Son of God ( word of God) as representing the Catholic Church Carrying the word of God to the families. I visualize the Elizabeth as the faith filled families find their source and strength in Church through their communion with the Church, in their faith. They receive the word, sacraments, tradition, and magistrium in living in the ways of Church's mind. They are hospitable and open their hearts and doors as Elizabeth to those who serve the Lord and to the neighbors through their charity. Among them, many secular families share their  talents, gifts, time, and services to the church, like above mentioned catechists. I think those catechists families witness one aspect of a call of discipleship life.

The following link will open a very good teaching tool for children:



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