Come and see: Family is a disciple of Jesus: Luminous mystery : The first Luminous Mystery Baptism of Jesus

I continue to reflect, Baptism of Jesus at the Jordan. I ponder upon the time of Jesus Baptism. Jesus received His Baptism before beginning His public ministry. The Son of God, who is fully human and fully God, submitted Himself to the Baptism, which makes me to dwell into the merits and saving grace of Baptism itself. My attention turns towards the inherent saving nature of the Sacrament of Baptism in ones life.

In Baptism, an individual dies to the world.
In  Baptism, an individual partakes in the passion and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In Baptism, an individual enters into the covenant life between God and the Church.
In Baptism, an individual enters into the sacramental life of Church in the world.
In Baptism, an individual called to live a discerning, reflective, and fruitful life of Holy Spirit in the world, in which the life becomes the witness.
In Baptism, an individual is empowered within with an invisible signature and acknowledgement of Holy Trinity, which enables an individual with the potentials of transformation of ones life as a witness to the family and to the world.
In Baptism, an individual witnesses to the world, letting Jesus to live in them.
In baptism, an individual receives the saving grace of Holy Trinity to resist the evil, to withstand trials, to endure sufferings, to rejoice in spiritual heavenly values, to discern the world to witness, ......
In baptism, an individual receives the virtues of discipleship to Jesus and to the Church.
In Baptism, an individual receives the signature mark of salvation, which assists the individual to live a life of holiness and to witness to the world through the life.
In Baptism, an individual is born into the Church and into the eternal kingdom of God in heaven, while living in the world.
In Baptism, an individual becomes a light to the world by receiving gifts of the Holy Spirit.
In living the Baptism, an individual produces the fruits of the Holy Spirit in life, which serve as a witness to the world.
In Baptism, an individual receives the power, strength,dignity, glory, and sanctity of holiness.
In Baptism, an individual joins the communion of saints, while living in the world.
In Baptism, an individual transforms from the human life to the life of a disciple to Jesus.
In Baptism, an individual belong , become, and partake in the grace, gifts, talents, of evangelisation mission of the mother Church.

We often fail to acknowledge the inherent power hidden within the Sacrament of Baptism. Pondering above thoughts and ideas, I realize that Baptism is the key for the salvation and ministry. Baptism lays foundation for all other sacraments, as it is a sacrament of initiation. Individual brings the gifts of Baptism as a foundation nature to all other sacraments.  I also think, an individual renews His/ her baptism in day today life situations and in decisions, as they profess through their life witness, which takes roots in all their environment, associations, and decisions, as they live among the world. In addition, in every searching moment of an individual, in every moment of prayer, in every steps of witnessing life in the Church, in reception of every sacrament in the Church life, the Baptism is renewed. When I apply above ideas in pondering the Baptismal saving grace in the life of family, I  relate the saving grace of individuals, who have Baptismal grace, who come together to live a family life, which makes them a couple, who have all potentials to become a witness to Christ in their family life and in the life of Church in the world.

By nature, the couple bring their Baptismal grace and gifts to the married life, where purpose of two individual lives become united and become one purpose of salvation and witness filled life, which makes me to wonder upon the hidden power of such heavenly union, that takes place at the marriage, where Baptismal gifts unit and double in nature in the sacrament of marriage. What a powerful union it might be in the marriage of individuals, who live the baptismal call consciously? What a powerful instrument that family might me in the hands of God and in the bosom of Church? What a dynamic truth the sacrament of marriage contains, when we think that man and woman bring their baptismal gifts to the altar of marriage, which unites and become double and multiply in nature, that lays a solid foundation from the saving grace, as the couple begin their public ministry, which is their family life.  In the Sacrament of marriage, individual man and woman become one body, one mind, one Spirit by the fusion of their baptismal graces. What a glorious heavenly and spiritual union happens on the earth at the sacrament of marriage! Indeed family is a disciple of Jesus Christ in the world.

Spiritually, fusion of baptismal call and promises of two souls happens at the sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Union of baptized souls is a powerful witness to the saving grace of God on earth and in spiritual realm. Two individual souls share their virtues and gifts in becoming one body in the marriage union. By baptism, in Holy Matrimony, the consummation of two bodies brings the mingling of salvation grace, and the couple transform into one body, in which they minister to each other and they renew their baptism and covenant call of Holy matrimony, in each of their loving union and actions as one body. By baptism, bodily union is transformed and sanctified to the equal status and the level of intimacy and relationship between a soul and the Eucharist. By Baptism, natural love is empowered and transformed to serve as redeeming ministry among couple. By Baptism, the natural love and union between the couple is acknowledged by the friendship, fellowship of Holy Trinity.

Further, I am excited again and again to witness the beauty of Mother Church and Her mission for families in this world, while I reflect the luminous mystery. I almost visualize mother Church as a constant figure and an integral part of family, which is inseparable from the concept and mission of family, as I pray each of this luminous mystery. The Church remains as a constant grace by the side of the family. I understand and encouraged by the sacramental purposeful mission of Church life in the world. The first family was send out of the paradise due to their sin.  In paradise before the sin of the first family, Holy Trinity had fellowship and friendship with Adam and Eve, whom the heavenly Father loved intimately.  Due to sin, the family separated itself from the presence of God, thus deprived itself from the friendship and fellowship of God. And now through Baptism, family is welcomed into the salvation Eden, which is the Church in the world. The Church presence in the world is a sacramental, redeeming, and  saving presence of Jesus Christ in the world.   Jesus lives among us in the presence of Church, which is the garden of Eden on earth. Indeed the purposeful redeeming mission of Church is focused on family, as Jesus came to redeem the human and all creations from the original sin of the first family. Following Jesus, the Church continues its mission of redeeming the dignity, majesty, and sanctity of  marriage and family, in him with Him and through Him. The teaching mission of the Church on the sacramental life of Baptism and Holy Matrimony is a  foundation for the family to refer to, relate to, discern with, and live up to, in the natural realm. By baptismal call and virtues, Family and the Church are inseparable, as the loving and saving presence of God among the family is inseparable.


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