Highlights of Irudhaya Annai Church( Immaculate Heart of Mary Church): Periyasamypuram
Irudhaya Annai church is the heart of Periyasamypuram. In the photo attached here you will find the main altar of the church, which was photographed on our wedding.In the picture you will find the beautiful statue of Irudhaya Annai extending her both arms, to the beauty and comfort I am always attracted to, you will be also blessed by her appearance in this blog. The two priests in the photo are from left to right, the parish priest then Rev. Fr. Maria Dass, and Rev. Fr. Barnabas, my brother.
September 8th, blessed virgin Mary birthday, is the annual festival of this church. Annual feast is celebrated for ten days.I am so thrilled and excited that I could finally upload this photo in the blog to welcome her appearance to the blog. This blog receives blessings from the special appearance of my heavenly mother, who is Immaculate Heart of Mary, who is in the hearts of all the children of Periyasamypuram, where ever they may be.
The current parish priest is Rev. Fr. Joseph Xaviour. This year the church is undergoing renovation in his leadership now. Renovations include alter renovation, roof doom repair and renovation,extension of the church building etc......The village people pull together the renovation cost by their simple offerings. In this young priest leadership our St. Antony Elementary school which is the Catholic school adjoined with the church, once in my grand fathers and father's time, this was the only school available for 12 villages in surrounding radiance, now it has grown in higher status. In those days, children used to come by bullock carts or by walking many miles to attend the school. Now in this dynamic priest's watch, this school has been upgraded and accredited to the high school status and now in the process of accreditation for higher secondary school.
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