Comfort in the presence of God

Stages of experiencing redemptive presence of God

It is easy to get attracted to the gifts of Holy spirit and the warmth comfort you receive from the presence of God, and the peace that can offer to your soul and life. Many of us get excited enough to think that we have achieved the God's favor and He treats you in a special way. In reality, nobody can achieve God's favor unless it is given to him by God's mercy. Every body has the right to experience the comfort comes from God's presence in this world. The only and simple way to experience that comes from God’s presence is to ask , seek, and knock. It is a simple act of faith that move the heart of the Lord and in return His mercy flows like a river from His heart. Many mystic saints have experienced the deeper dimension of the presence of God and they have demonstrated the great love and devotion, and attraction for God's presence than any other blessings of the world.

There is a next deeper level of experience where every human being is invited to experience by walking with Lord and living with Him. He called His disciples to come see what he does and where he lives. This is the common call for all His disciples to demonstrate the living faith in their day to day life. This is the state where you make constant conscious choices and you decide where you belong and what you will do with your decisions and life. These choices require deliberation, act of faith, need clear vision and mission for the life. This state of life does not resemble and reflect the world standard but the God's standard. Every situation and every action will demand this decision of profession of your faith, Your heart will be directed towards the decisions made based upon faith based directions. This level demands and delineates experience of the peace and joy comes from God's merciful presence and strong determination with the act of faith of the individual.

In this stage, you will learn and see yourself giving up the worldly attachments one by one if you truly seek God’s way. The worldly attractions that can divert you and derail you will fade away one by one gradually. Not all of a sudden, not all at once, and not with out your own will of deliberation, but very in gradual step by step pattern and sure in progressing manner the weaknesses will be filled by God’s strength in His time. There is Goid's time for everything even to take away the pain and suffering. Nothing is permanent in nature in this world. Every experience and emotions will have meaning with enlightenment in this stage. The importance in this stage is to be vigilant in leaning on Lords arm and relying upon His divine providence even in the object desperate situations. It is very important to wait patiently for God's peace to flow through you in making decisions in this stage.

It is equally important to understand that the temptations are high at this stage. In this beginning stage of divine love, one will be able to look introspectively and analyze ones own weaknesses. There is no man in this world with out sin or weaknesses. It is vital to acknowledge the human weakness at this stage. It is highly saving to rely upon God's mercy at this stage. Sacraments and word of God are the major food and sources of comfort in this stage of life. The temptations, the secret sins, the worldly attractions will fade away one by one by the mercy of God and His immense light comes from His presence and your soul will get endurance and strength by the strength received by the divine interventions.

Having said this, it is true that some of His interventions are very painful, dissaapointing, desolating, isolating and devastating to the body and flesh. However, it is mandatory to go through this trial of tunnel in order to be cleansed of certain roots of the sin. Some sins are like cancer that may need a invasive procedure like surgery or amputations that may make you a disable person. In order to save ones' life doctors decide to do those procedures in the same way there are many interventions in every ones life that God has planned to save the soul from the eternal demise. When one goes through this tunnel the only consolation will be the Lords presence in the sacrament and in His word. Knowledge of the soul to seek the presence of the God in the sacraments is the valiant tool to survive. The ritual exercise to search for the comfort comes from His presence is the healing ointment for the soul and body. Acknowledgement of the power of God in the trial situation is the manifestation of total surrender. Holding on to the promises of God is the definite profession of faith. God is capable of dealing with any situations and any interventions. The out come of this exercise is the development of child like heart and soul and ability to trust God in joy and sorrow.


  1. Yes,experiencing God's redemptive power or rather His presence is a stage by stage process. No one becomes a saint or sinner in a day. At times the going does seem to be rough. But rather than giving up and cursing life, it is wise to put our complete faith in Him and persevere. We have to defeat the defeat with faith. Whatever happens the mere thought of having someone by your side always in itself is a soothing experience. We acknowledge our weakness to understand God's grace. It is always greater for a sinner to achieve holiness rather than a righteous person attain sainthood.
    Jesus Himself said, " I came to call sinners not the righteous."

    So we will succeed in life if we put our complete faith in God and work hard with the body and mind God has given us aided by the constant nourishment granted by the Sacraments.

  2. Well said Joel my son! I appreciate your posting.

  3. Good Job Mary!! Keep it up. Prayers and Blessings!

    Fr. Jolly

  4. Faith Blog appreciates and celebrates the first priestal vist by
    Rev. Fr. Jolly.


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