Divine mercy Novena: Third Day: "Today bring to Me All Devout and Faithful Souls and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy.
Third Day
"Today bring to Me All Devout and Faithful Souls and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. These souls brought Me consolation on the Way of the Cross. They were that drop of consolation in the midst of an ocean of bitterness."
Most Merciful Jesus, from the treasury of Your mercy, You impart Your graces in the great abundance to each and all. Receive us into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart and never let us escape from It. We beg this of You by that most wondrous love for the heavenly Father with which Your Heart burns so fiercely.
Eternal Father, turn Your Merciful gaze upon faithful souls, as upon the inheritance of Your Son. For the sake of His Sorrowful Passion, grant them Your blessing and surround them with Your constant protection. Thus may they never fail in love or lose the treasure of the holy faith, but rather, with all the hosts of Angels and Saints, may they glorify Your boundless mercy for endless ages. Amen.
Let us pray for all the devout on this third day Novena. Among all the devout, I would like to highlight "the Family" and pray for all the families in the world. Immersion of family in to the mercy of God is imperative and even urgent in these times. In this world, if there is something that is dear to the heart of the heavenly Father, that is family. In this whole world if there is something in which the heavenly Father take delight, that is family. In this whole universe, if there is something that could bring smile in God's face, that is family. In the whole creation, if there is something, that God takes pride is Family. In this whole process of salvation, if there is something that could console the sacred heart of Jesus, the heavenly Father, and the Holy Spirit, it is the devoted Family. God so loved the family that He created the family as His master piece of creation. Above all, if we read Genesis chapters 1 -3, we could see and experience the love of Father God for the Family. We can palpate His love in the manner He created all the creations before creating the Family, and created them at the last as welcomed guest to the world, as the loving children of his own. In fact, He created everything and tested them and found good before even creating the family in the world. We can visualize Father's care and love in these actions.
I have reflected upon the concept of family and depicted them as deep as I could with the help of scripture in my next book, which will be released next year. In that process, I was struck with awe again and again to discover Father's infinite love for the Family. While writing that book I was so moved in many sections of that book, where I discovered the presence of Holy Trinity within each family. I also found that God will do anything to provide and protect a single family. The family has high reverence in God's sight, in fact family has the highest in priority in God's list.He attends with urgency in the matters of families. It so amazing, if one realize how God provides and protects the families in this world.
By this I infer, the Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit is present in and among the families in the natural realm, if one is willing to explore their presence among their own family, they can find them so easily and vividly. Hereby, I ask the world, not to play with family structure, stop corrupting the families, keep your hands off from the family, back off from the disturbing the families, do not mess with the functions of the family, because the author, provider, promoter, protector of the family is God Himself. If anyone become a scandal for a single family has to answer to God directly, and He will not let any body hurt the devout family. The family is the first sacrament created and blessed by God Himself. God Himself became man, died,resurrected, and present in the world through Holy Spirit to redeem families. So let us immerse all the families in this world today in the mercy of God.
Immersion of families in to the mercy of God is so urgent, because from the beginning family has been the target of devils deceptions. Surrendering families to the sacred heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary is the protective faith filled actions a devout family could do. It is needless to mention all the corruptions prevail in this world day today particularly in our times to derail family structure, functions, and purpose in this world. Let us pray for the families with one voice and heart that we could stand by the heavenly Father's heart, and we could console Jesus heart. Let us also pray for forgiveness upon all our thoughts, actions, decisions, against the peace, prosperity, and unity in our family and in all the families in the world.
Genesis chapter 2:
"The LORD God said: "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a suitable partner for him."
So the LORD God formed out of the ground various wild animals and various birds of the air, and he brought them to the man to see what he would call them; whatever the man called each of them would be its name.
The man gave names to all the cattle, all the birds of the air, and all the wild animals; but none proved to be the suitable partner for the man.
So the LORD God cast a deep sleep on the man, and while he was asleep, he took out one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh.
The LORD God then built up into a woman the rib that he had taken from the man. When he brought her to the man,
5 the man said: "This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; This one shall be called 'woman,' for out of 'her man' this one has been taken."
6 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body.
The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame."
Chapter 127
1 A song of ascents. Of Solomon. Unless the LORD build the house, they labor in vain who build. Unless the LORD guard the city, in vain does the guard keep watch.
It is vain for you to rise early and put off your rest at night, To eat bread earned by hard toil-- all this God gives to his beloved in sleep.
Children too are a gift from the LORD, the fruit of the womb, a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children born in one's youth.
2 Blessed are they whose quivers are full. They will never be shamed contending with foes at the gate.
Soul of Christ Sanctify me,
Body of Christ Save me,
Blood of Christ Inebriate me,
water from the side of Christ, Wash me,
passion of Christ, strengthen me,
O good Jesus, Hear me,
within your wounds, hide me,
never let me be, separated from you,
from the wicked enemy, defend me,
in hour of my death, call me,
and bid me, come to you,
so that with your saints,
I may praise you ever and ever,
"Today bring to Me All Devout and Faithful Souls and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. These souls brought Me consolation on the Way of the Cross. They were that drop of consolation in the midst of an ocean of bitterness."
Most Merciful Jesus, from the treasury of Your mercy, You impart Your graces in the great abundance to each and all. Receive us into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart and never let us escape from It. We beg this of You by that most wondrous love for the heavenly Father with which Your Heart burns so fiercely.
Eternal Father, turn Your Merciful gaze upon faithful souls, as upon the inheritance of Your Son. For the sake of His Sorrowful Passion, grant them Your blessing and surround them with Your constant protection. Thus may they never fail in love or lose the treasure of the holy faith, but rather, with all the hosts of Angels and Saints, may they glorify Your boundless mercy for endless ages. Amen.
Let us pray for all the devout on this third day Novena. Among all the devout, I would like to highlight "the Family" and pray for all the families in the world. Immersion of family in to the mercy of God is imperative and even urgent in these times. In this world, if there is something that is dear to the heart of the heavenly Father, that is family. In this whole world if there is something in which the heavenly Father take delight, that is family. In this whole universe, if there is something that could bring smile in God's face, that is family. In the whole creation, if there is something, that God takes pride is Family. In this whole process of salvation, if there is something that could console the sacred heart of Jesus, the heavenly Father, and the Holy Spirit, it is the devoted Family. God so loved the family that He created the family as His master piece of creation. Above all, if we read Genesis chapters 1 -3, we could see and experience the love of Father God for the Family. We can palpate His love in the manner He created all the creations before creating the Family, and created them at the last as welcomed guest to the world, as the loving children of his own. In fact, He created everything and tested them and found good before even creating the family in the world. We can visualize Father's care and love in these actions.
I have reflected upon the concept of family and depicted them as deep as I could with the help of scripture in my next book, which will be released next year. In that process, I was struck with awe again and again to discover Father's infinite love for the Family. While writing that book I was so moved in many sections of that book, where I discovered the presence of Holy Trinity within each family. I also found that God will do anything to provide and protect a single family. The family has high reverence in God's sight, in fact family has the highest in priority in God's list.He attends with urgency in the matters of families. It so amazing, if one realize how God provides and protects the families in this world.
By this I infer, the Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit is present in and among the families in the natural realm, if one is willing to explore their presence among their own family, they can find them so easily and vividly. Hereby, I ask the world, not to play with family structure, stop corrupting the families, keep your hands off from the family, back off from the disturbing the families, do not mess with the functions of the family, because the author, provider, promoter, protector of the family is God Himself. If anyone become a scandal for a single family has to answer to God directly, and He will not let any body hurt the devout family. The family is the first sacrament created and blessed by God Himself. God Himself became man, died,resurrected, and present in the world through Holy Spirit to redeem families. So let us immerse all the families in this world today in the mercy of God.
Immersion of families in to the mercy of God is so urgent, because from the beginning family has been the target of devils deceptions. Surrendering families to the sacred heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary is the protective faith filled actions a devout family could do. It is needless to mention all the corruptions prevail in this world day today particularly in our times to derail family structure, functions, and purpose in this world. Let us pray for the families with one voice and heart that we could stand by the heavenly Father's heart, and we could console Jesus heart. Let us also pray for forgiveness upon all our thoughts, actions, decisions, against the peace, prosperity, and unity in our family and in all the families in the world.
Genesis chapter 2:
"The LORD God said: "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a suitable partner for him."
So the LORD God formed out of the ground various wild animals and various birds of the air, and he brought them to the man to see what he would call them; whatever the man called each of them would be its name.
The man gave names to all the cattle, all the birds of the air, and all the wild animals; but none proved to be the suitable partner for the man.
So the LORD God cast a deep sleep on the man, and while he was asleep, he took out one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh.
The LORD God then built up into a woman the rib that he had taken from the man. When he brought her to the man,
5 the man said: "This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; This one shall be called 'woman,' for out of 'her man' this one has been taken."
6 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body.
The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame."
Chapter 127
1 A song of ascents. Of Solomon. Unless the LORD build the house, they labor in vain who build. Unless the LORD guard the city, in vain does the guard keep watch.
It is vain for you to rise early and put off your rest at night, To eat bread earned by hard toil-- all this God gives to his beloved in sleep.
Children too are a gift from the LORD, the fruit of the womb, a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children born in one's youth.
2 Blessed are they whose quivers are full. They will never be shamed contending with foes at the gate.
Soul of Christ Sanctify me,
Body of Christ Save me,
Blood of Christ Inebriate me,
water from the side of Christ, Wash me,
passion of Christ, strengthen me,
O good Jesus, Hear me,
within your wounds, hide me,
never let me be, separated from you,
from the wicked enemy, defend me,
in hour of my death, call me,
and bid me, come to you,
so that with your saints,
I may praise you ever and ever,
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