Peace be with you: Justice belongs to God

Justice belongs to God

Gospel Reading

Luke 15/ 11-32

In the above passage of the gospel, Luke records the prodigal son parable. This parable highlights the status of the sinner and the status of the righteous. There are two kinds of people live in the world one belongs to the prodigal son category and the other belongs to the righteous son category. The prodigal son category people are the human who do not know the love of God and live away as a stray in this world. The Father’s heart is constantly waiting with tender mercy for this people as the prodigal son’s father waited for his return. The righteous category of people who have the knowledge of God, they choose to live in his presence, and who are judgmental upon the prodigal sons and struggle to forgive the brethren. However, love of God is common for both of them. Knowing this truth of relationship and nature of God’s love to the human will help to bring peace in the world.
When the father celebrated the return of his lost son, the righteous son thought it was not justice. However, justice was not in his decisions but in the father’s merciful decisions. In the same way, the justice in this world belongs to God. This very reason forgiving the fellow human is important before going to pray in the sanctuary. Forgiving is our part the justice is God’s part. His justice will maintain peace in the situations. God is in control.

Annapoorna Mary, 2011
Prepared and presented in the Franciscan Retreat, November, 5th, 2011
Our Lady of Queen of Peace Retreat Center, Memphis Dioceses.


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