Mother Teresa's Model of Charity

Mother Teresa In Her Own Words.

Blessed mother Teresa was a great human who lived in our times, whom the world will remember for ages to come. The whole world is captivated by her words and actions, beyond religions, believes, and ethnicity. Her humanitarian approach to the world and poor moved the hearts of many, many nations, and has impacted the whole world. Her actions spoke vividly, while her appearance spoke in simplicity and love.
While there are many charitable people in the world, who invest their time and talents in serving the poor, Mother Teresa was unique among them and her services had vision for greater purpose beyond just serving the poor, but serving Jesus through them. Blessed Mother Teresa’s love for the poor was the reflection of her love for Jesus. Her humble love for Jesus brought forth the fruit of great love for the poor. She visited Jesus in the poor and suffering human. This was the foundation of all her charitable works.

Blessed Mother Teresa view of charity is deeply founded upon the love for Jesus.


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