
Showing posts from June, 2013

"Come after me": Magi as Child Jesus disciples: Their call of study

Study of of anything is a gift of Holy Spirit. I believe that all studies, all knowledge, all knowing, all discoveries, all inventions and all the sciences comes from God and find their origin, inquiry and destiny in God Hmself, and they are departments of Holy Spirit. I consider all the offices related to all education and sciences and all the professions related to the education, science, discoveries, inventions, and research are the offices of Holy Spirit.  Magi were scholars, inquirers, scientists, researchers, astronomers, predictors, inventors, travelers, kings, and above all their inquiry was focused on eternal heavenly king and they followed natural and heavenly sciences as they were guided by the wonder star, which was a natural sign and they followed the Angels instructions, which was a heavenly sign. I mentioned above all knowing and knowledge comes from God and all the professions related to knowing, knowledge, and sciences are Holy Spirit Office. To understand th...

Happy Fathers' Day!!!!! Both Natural and Spiritual Fatherhoods are celebrated


"Come after me": Stars of Hope is His presence: Magi discerning discipleship: Seeking God's presence following a sign in the nature: God's omnipresence is a promise

The above Tamil catholic song declares the eternity of God's presence in this world.  It is one of my favorite songs. I welcome to enjoy the music, if  not the lyrics. Tamil is an ancient language, one of the south Indian languages, ( it is a language not a dialect), Apostle Thomas used this language, St. Francis Xavier used this language, St. FR. Beschi( Veeramamunivar learned this language and wrote grammar book for this language, and  St.John the Brito used this language. Likewise many missionaries learned and used this language. Presence of God in this world is an eternal promise. Looking at the world and processing all the happenings in the world often may not help us to believe the promise of God's presence in the world. News papers, televisions, cables, internet medias,and all the news come from the world all over the world almost always highlight the status of the world, which is not always encouraging to the spirit. I call them as modern day's prophet N...

"Come after me": Three kings from the East followed the Star of Bethlehem

There are multitudes who believe without signs and wonders. Then there are others who require wonders to believe. I am fascinated by Heavenly Father's love in yielding Himself  to those who seek Him through natural inquiry of wonders as well. God of creation uses His creations to reveal Himself to the world, as a guiding star guided the kings in their travel. The revelation of God is infinite and limitless in His mercy and creativity. Magi's inquiry, study, travel, visit of Jesus, and returning with heavenly revelation is  another dimension of discipleship.

"Come after me": Magi as Jesus' Childhood disciples

After  Jesus   had been born at   Bethlehem   in Judaea during the reign of King Herod, suddenly some wise men came to   Jerusalem   from the east 2  asking, 'Where is the infant king of the Jews? We saw his star as it rose and have come to do him homage.' 3  When King  Herod  heard this he was perturbed, and so was the whole of Jerusalem. 4  He called together all the chief priests and the  scribes  of the people, and enquired of them where the  Christ  was to be born. 5  They told him, 'At  Bethlehem  in Judaea, for this is what the  prophet  wrote: 6  And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, you are by no means the least among the leaders of Judah, for from you  will  come a leader who  will  shepherd my people Israel.' 7  Then  Herod  summoned the wise men to see him privately. He asked them the exact date on which the star had ap...

"Come after me": Discipleship of the followers of Christ experiences and world recognition

I used to have indoor birds in the past. I have had parakeets and finches. I loved to feed them, watch them grow, and breed. It was a very humbling experience to note the marvelous wonders of God in nature. My nesting robins have gone with their chick somewhere else, they are not to be found today. Oh no, I am wrong, I just see them in the far corner of St. Francis garden. However, their fuss at me, while they were training their chick few days ago made me to miss my indoor birds who loved my presence and even cared about me. My indoor birds did few extraordinary things in God's providence in knowing me. let me pen few lines on them as an introduction here. Finches always made a happy coordinated sounds when I entered house or even when they see me first time in the morning every day. When they do that, they were not at random or un- purposeful actions, they always looked at me and focused on me with their happy sounds. They would only stop that sound once I have gone near them...

"Come after me" : Shepherd quality of a Discipleship way of life: Daily wonders, peace, joy, and witness

Every day morning, however busy my day schedule is, I pay a quick visit to my backyard looking at my plants daily blooms of flowers. While I do that I get to enjoy the presence of birds and squirrels in my yard and trees. I only water the plants in the weekend and I get to spend time with them during weekends and holidays.  As I usually like to place myself into the hands of divine providence, my plants also in the hands of nature. They grow with very minimal attention , if not with no attention. I am a garden lover not a traditional gardener, so my neighbor and friend always wonder at my garden's blooms with no care. This year I have added more additions of Roses, Gladiolus, Hosta, different kinds of mints, Salvia, asciatic lillies of many colors and evergreen bushes. I take care in planting. I select the place for each plant with great deal of thinking. I visualize the plant in the full grown size in the place I plant before planting them. If it is a bloom, I visualize the bl...

"Come after me": "I am the good shepherd": Discipleship first qualification is loving the Good Shepherd

Three years ago, I bought some Tulips bulbs and gladiolus bulbs. I planted them as per the instructions. Tulips were very fruitful in the first year itself and they come back very faithfully every year from then on. The gladiolus story was little different. Gladiolus gave out their long and healthy sheaths of of leaves every year but I did not get any stem of flowers from those bulbs. They also came back every year faithfully. This year, I bought little better bulbs of Gladiolus and put them in the ground before the last rain hoping this would give me flowers for the next season. After the ordeal of all the work, I went to inspect my previous gladiolus plants they were looking tall and healthy as usual. But there was a surprise waiting for me. I was so excited to see my first stem of gladiolus flower for the first time in my yard from the old bulbs planted three years ago after three years of waiting. The whole time when I was planting the bulbs this year, I was pondering, the prese...

"Come after me": The Lord is my shepherd: Characteristics of the Shepherd

The characteristics of a shepherd and his qualities are vividly displayed in psalm 23, which was written by King David. His portray of the shepherd is more tangible witness  to the roles and functions of a shepherd in the field. King David has applied his shepherd skills in the identification of the caring love of the Heavenly Father. Here I place an article written by a MD about this Psalm in elaborating this reflection. I find this article very useful. THE TWENTY-THIRD PSALM EXPLAINED by Lawrence Wilson, MD © August 2012, The Center For Development                One of the most healing prayers that I have ever found is the  Twenty-Third Psalm of David .  Repeated often, it can help turn around negative thinking and assist a person with fears, as can few others, in my experience. My own use of this prayer.   A number of years ago I was very ill, and discovered how ex...