"Come after me": Magi as Jesus' Childhood disciples
After Jesus had been born at Bethlehem in Judaea during the reign of King Herod, suddenly some wise men came to Jerusalem from the east
2 asking, 'Where is the infant king of the Jews? We saw his star as it rose and have come to do him homage.'
3 When King Herod heard this he was perturbed, and so was the whole of Jerusalem.
4 He called together all the chief priests and the scribes of the people, and enquired of them where the Christ was to be born.
6 And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, you are by no means the least among the leaders of Judah, for from you will come a leader who will shepherd my people Israel.'
7 Then Herod summoned the wise men to see him privately. He asked them the exact date on which the star had appeared
8 and sent them on to Bethlehem with the words, 'Go and find out all about the child, and when you have found him, let me know, so that I too may go and do him homage.'
9 Having listened to what the king had to say, they set out. And suddenly the star they had seen rising went forward and halted over the place where the child was.
11 and going into the house they saw the child with his mother Mary, and falling to their knees they did him homage. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh.
12 But they were given a warning in a dream not to go back to Herod, and returned to their own country by a different way."( Mathew, Chapter 2)
My thoughts and Perspectives to ponder from the above scripture:
- Three Kings came from the East: Child Jesus' disciples from the far away corners of the earth. Announcement of good news throughout the world, natural evangelization
- Kings: People of authority
- Scientific people: Travel of discovery following a natural wonder
- Scholarly inquirers: Study of stars
- People of understanding: Applying faith in the natural relam: Knowing the meaning of importance of natural revelations
- People of faith following the star: Travel of inquiry with the purpose adoration of the heavenly king. Traveling through the life experiences and understanding heavenly revelations through life experinces
- Search of the king: Search of the heavenly king among the earthly kings
- Gifts: They came with gifts to adore the heavenly king: Thanksgiving and admiration
- Adoration: Submission of self to the reign of the Heavenly king
- They listened to the warning of the Angels: Divine guidence and revelations which came as a divine response to their search
- They obeyed the Angels' Guidance: They traveled in a different path; their path of inquiry changed from following natural inquiry to the following the heavenly revelation
- They saw the revelation of the wonders in Jesus Christ
- Magi's travel signifies discipleship life
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