Past Reflections on Creation of First Family: Angels interview the Earth

Earth tells story
Angels on rounds
Holy angels on rounds
In serving men and creation
Angels on rounds
In the long list
The earth name appeared
In the angel’s iPod
Angels approached the earth
The earth heard their arrival
Volunteered to speak
On the love of God
For human and creation
Earth spoke in ecstasy
Broke into fascinating ecstasy
Earth, I am Earth
The Lord God called me earth
Where all lives to live
In his spoken word
Creation I am in His loving care
Creation I am
Who witnessed all
His love and care
He made me and blessed me
He walked on me and anointed me
He spoke on me to fertile me
His word where from I am
I bear His signature
In all that lives
† Creative Life: A Contemplation
In all that non lives
In all that move
In all that UN - move
In all that visible
In all that invisible
In all that seen
And in all that unseen
In that known
And in all that unknown
All contained in me
Bear the signature
That the presence of His word
The lord God made me
And called me earth
He shaped me and sheltered me
He watered me and adorned me
He blessed me with multitudes
Of bountiful produce
Plants of grains and fruits
Animals of small and big
For all generations to come
To the end of the world
In the spoken words:
Let the earth produce all kinds of plants
Let the earth produce all kinds of animal
In those words reside my blessings
In those words reside my missions
In those words reside my visions
In those words resides my freedom
In those words reside my functions
To produce in accordance to serve
Men and all creation
† Creative Life: A Contemplation
I make or break
In His command spoken within me
I grow and adopt
In His wisdom spoken within me
I move or freeze
In His word
I am active or dormant
At His purpose
I hold the secrets of old
I bring the novelty of new
I present old and new
Of all kinds of possibilities
Of all kinds of probabilities
Selection or exclusion
In the inherited freedom
In the Spoken word of God
He set me on a path
Where I am not alone
He suspended me in a space
Where I can produce
He sustained me in an orbit
Where the life is to live
He brought me to live
Where I to sustain lives
He gave me a brother
He is the Sun
He gave me a sister
She is the Moon
He guards me with angels
and elements
All that I am
† Creative Life: A Contemplation
All that within me
All that beyond the spaces
Created in order
To support each other
All created in God’s word
We bear His signature
Of His word presence
Then one day
I remember it like today
Lord God in Triune presence
Walked over me
He was on to something
I could say
He tested me
And He found me good
In all my capabilities
And possibilities
There in one place of me
He began to work
I could see Him
So loving and caring
He bended over me
He was about to touch me
My whole being
Went in ecstasy of His physical presence
I was aware of His words and shadow
But I had not seen Him until that day
He was brilliant beyond any words
Beyond any to compare
He was beautiful beyond my capture
I try repeatedly every day and season to portray
His glimpse of glory
† Creative Life: A Contemplation
That He showered on me that day
None I can depict
Like His glory ever
For the eternal infinite moment
He walked over me
My inner core went in dancing
He touched me
I was blessed beyond my nature
Now I saw His image in Trinity
Captured into my heart
I went into rapture
With all that within me
In all creation I contain
The love I saw in His face
Shine brilliant transcendence
The love that began from Him
Set me on motion
Love that flew from Him on that day
Penetrated all my being
I received His love
And the creation I contained
Seen His love in working that day
We are the witness of His love for human
Saturated in His glory
That engulfed my core
I said
Lord Do not depart
Let thy presence be with me
I prayed in my heart
But silent I maintained
Remembering my unworthiness
† Creative Life: A Contemplation
There the Lord God
Took the clay
What He is about to do I wondered
There near Him I yielded
To His loving care
Then He told me His will
The wisdom to create a man
Of His image
Of His love
Of His word
Of His spirit
To love Him in his friendship
To love the creation in his presence
To set His presence near me
I hear Him speak again
In His eternal word:
And now we will
Make human beings
Hearing those words
The divine joy of Triune
Passed me through
In the waters in the lands
In the forest and in the deeps
In the space and in the sky
Echoing His love
For human yet to arrive
In His will
We the universe and beyond
Gathered around Him
In His glory
Watched His love in creation of Human
† Creative Life: A Contemplation
It was a joyful day
Beyond any words
Heaven descended on me
Angels were all around me
All creation stood in vigil
At the creation of human
Father, Son, and Spirit
Began the creation in action
The junior angel
Looked excited
Face lit up so bright
Brilliant as his heart was so hunger
For the story
Millions of questions
In his rational mind
Getting the moment of light bulb
All at once
He was jolted with joy
He was about to interrupt in
The earth paused a moment
In joy of recollection
The modern angel asked
Can we go the place where the Lord God Stood?
In creation of men
The earth said certainly
As they travelled to the spot
The angels and earth
Went in deep peaceful
Contemplation of joyful
They wondered in their minds
† Creative Life: A Contemplation
Do men know God’s love?
To this realm
They pondered in contemplation.
creation of adam in earth’s account
Earth accounts continue
Angels eagerness pursue
All creations gathered
Near the earth to recollect
The celebrant day of human
Creation on earth
Mountains leaped in joy
Valleys walked in joy
Rivers jumped in joy
Meadows sang in joy
Oceans rushed in joy
Deeps echoed in joy
Heaven showered in enjoyment
Angels sang in joy
Animals gathered in pleasure
Birds sang in joy
Universe dazzled in joy
Time showered in colors in happiness
Trees bloomed in joy
Shrubs clap hands in ecstasy
Plants glowed in joyfulness
Sun danced in elation
Moon smiled in bliss
† Creative Life: A Contemplation
Rains thunder and rainbows
Lightening celestial glory in happy display
Creations all great and small
Creation all visible and invisible
All were filled in delight
In the moment of human creation
The Lord the God
Spoke gently with great love:
Saying they will be like us
They will resemble us
As he said, he imprinted His image
In the human as human was in his hand
The whole creation
Rejoiced looking God’s image
In human image
Then the Lord God
Breathed into the human
The man began live
There came Adam
The first man on earth
In God’s image and breathe
The universe and all within
The heaven all within
Rejoiced in welcoming
Adam into the world
Lord God blessed Him
Loved him
God took him all around
Introduced him to all creation
There the Adam the man
Named all God’s creation
† Creative Life: A Contemplation
As the modern men
Continue in discovery
In his path
Until the end of the world
Earth recalled
The joy and happiness
In God’s presence
On the day of human creation
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Looked happy and contented
At the creation of human
All creation witnessed
The signature of holy Trinity
In imprinting in human
Body, mind, and Soul
The Lord God in triune presence
Rested on earth
They rested in joy
While human made his way
Into the world
In his exploration of creations
I was thrilled
When Adam looked at me
I was send to ecstasy
When his fine feet touched me
Lovable Adam
Gentle and innocent
Smiling and gentle
Animals loved him
Plants adored him
Birds sang for him
† Creative Life: A Contemplation
Moon caressed him
Sun bathed him
Trees fed him
River nourished him
Mountains welcomed him
He was fearless and happy
He was free and excited
He was friendly and courteous
He was caring and nurturing
He loved us all
We loved him
There among us
The God’s presence
Resided while we dreamt a life
Happily ever after
While angels were guarding us
The Lord God visited us daily
We witnessed the love of God
For human
All creation agreeing
Upon the accounts of earth
Joined with angels
In thanking God
In the evening contemplation
† Creative Life: A Contemplation
garden of eden speaks
Garden speaks
Garden of Eden
In morning contemplation
Angels resting in garden
Holy angels resting in garden
Garden speaks
Garden of Eden speaks
I am a witness of God’s love
The love that consumed Him
The love for human
He made a house in me
Along the tall trees surround
Among the fruit trees he found
The house for Adam
In my heart
He created the tree of live
And the tree of knowledge
There in the east
He settled the man
Stream cool stream
Flowed through me
That in four divisions
Flowed beyond me
There beside the streams
Adam lived
† Creative Life: A Contemplation
Adam walked in the meadows
Along the animals
Climbed on the trees
Along the birds
Climbed the mountain far
Along the clouds
Watched over the plants
Along the rivers
He was joyful, happy, and playful
Yet deep searching
Seated in his heart
He was in continuous motion
There in my garden
He was safe and secured
Angels were watching over
God’s presence reigned in him
We all witnessed to that
There was something
In his heart kept him seeking
I could not tell what it was
And I could not provide
What he searched for or
He could not find
What he desired for
Surely, I will know one day soon
I waited upon
He saw plants
Bloom and propagate
He saw the animals
† Creative Life: A Contemplation
Come with their clan
He saw the flying birds
Nesting for chicks
He looked in the ground
To find something
Like him near
He looked on the mountains
To look for something
Similar to him
He looked beside the seas
To find his friends
He looked on the skies
On the trees
To find his match
Like the modern men
Search among the stars
The similar kind
Of life like them
Adam searched for
His own friend
Among the creation
He found none
None satisfied him
There was non similar
To him
Creator was his friend
He did not realize then
Creations were his friends
He didn’t find himself in them
He walked and searched
All day long climbing on the mountain
† Creative Life: A Contemplation
I knew he was searching
I knew I could not contain
The heart of the Adam
Living in my garden
He has set out on a journey
In the mighty God’s
Adam went on contemplation
Travel among the creation
Holy angels
Joined him
In the deep contemplation
Mountain and valleys
They travelled
Seasons and time
They crossed over
In my Garden of Eden
† Creative Life: A Contemplation
angels in contemplation on the mountains
Wondering Angels landed
On a mountain
Pondering the love of God
In his creation
Deep veneration
Set in their heart
They went in adoration of the lord
There they spent in contemplation
Mercy of God surrounded their thoughts
Nearby mountain caught their attention
They saw meditating monks
There afar
Silence, silence everywhere
Stillness penetrated air
Cold front declares the snow near
Chimes of church bells declared
Human faithful near
Wind and air
Mountains chains
Glory nature
Captured the hearts
Angels in contemplation
On the mountains
Mountains great mountains
Mystic yet majestic
† Creative Life: A Contemplation
Fall and rise in the rugged
Steep peaks and sharp cliffs
Natural sage in solitude
Mystic yet majestic
Reminding God’s mercy
Angels in contemplation
On the mountains
Mountains great mountains
Peace resides in deep silence
Hope rests in your solitudes
Joy resonates in your lives
Faith reflects in your strength
Angels in contemplation
On the mountains
Mountains great mountains
Rugged in your surface
Solid your attire
Ornate abundant lives thy majesty
Hold everlasting Mystery
Angels in contemplation
On the mountains
Stony peace tower you stand
Crust molten under
Pressure built in core
Could burst the earth in pieces
Yet you seep through the gates of earth
To balance the pressure under - you
Rise to the heights of solitude
In serving human survival
† Creative Life: A Contemplation
Absolute symbol of mercy of God
Angels in contemplation
On the mountains
Mountains great mountains
You rest in peace on earth
You make the land
In rising above the sea
Once you were rumbling
Under water currents
Once you were restless
Under the forces of earth
Once you were liquid
Under fiery furnace
Then you bought your freedom
To leap above the sea
In the word of God
He called you as land
Angels in contemplation
On the mountains
Up above the sea
You peaked to grow
In the face of elements
You breathed to live
Eagar to see the human
The creation of God
Leaped in your heart
You waited in silence
Yet mystic your growth
Angels in contemplation
On the mountains
† Creative Life: A Contemplation
Mountain great mountains
Silent sage you are
On you the clouds play
Above you the sky relates
Upon you lives thrive
Adorn you dense forests
In you the springs dwell
From you the falls spill
On you the rapids churn
From you the fountains flow
At your feet the rivers run
At your summit
Snow resides
House of lives
Mountains great mountains
Angels in contemplation
On the mountains
Mountains great mountains
Mystic majesty you are
Near you
Gentle breeze flatter
Faithful skies meet
Depth of ice resides
Mighty rivers flow
Mystic falls glow
Creatures of great and small
Found home in your majesty arms
Angels in contemplation
On the mountains
† Creative Life: A Contemplation
Mountain joined in meditating
How am I related
To the loving human near
I came to exist
Before the man to survive
In the word of God
I am the land the Lord God created
Angels in contemplation
On the mountains
Mountains and valleys
I hold
Deeps and shallows
I gravel
Pastures and deserts I contain
Prosperity of earth
Resides in me
I explode and extend
In God’s command
To make house
For human
I stand still
To serve God and human
When I stand still in solitude
I remember the Lord
And His everlasting mercy
Angels in contemplation
On the mountains


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