"Come after me": "I am the good shepherd": Discipleship first qualification is loving the Good Shepherd

Three years ago, I bought some Tulips bulbs and gladiolus bulbs. I planted them as per the instructions. Tulips were very fruitful in the first year itself and they come back very faithfully every year from then on. The gladiolus story was little different. Gladiolus gave out their long and healthy sheaths of of leaves every year but I did not get any stem of flowers from those bulbs. They also came back every year faithfully. This year, I bought little better bulbs of Gladiolus and put them in the ground before the last rain hoping this would give me flowers for the next season. After the ordeal of all the work, I went to inspect my previous gladiolus plants they were looking tall and healthy as usual. But there was a surprise waiting for me. I was so excited to see my first stem of gladiolus flower for the first time in my yard from the old bulbs planted three years ago after three years of waiting. The whole time when I was planting the bulbs this year, I was pondering, the presence of faith, the presence of the Church, and the faithfuls in the Church in the world may be similar to these bulbs laid into the bosoms of the earth, which in turn becomes plant and bring forth their fruits one day, as a witness to the world. No faith is fruitless in the word of God. Faith and word of God never returns empty. No life is wasted in the eyes of God. No life is meaningless in the hands of God. All lives have purpose in the will of God. All things are possible for Our God.

While I reflect on the the revelation of Jesus birth to the shepherds of the Bethlehem, I travel among many places which addresses the concept of shepherd from old Testament to the New Testament in the scripture. When, I reflect on each incident where the shepherd is mentioned, there are many other inherent qualities and qualification of the shepherd is revealed. A shepherd is a caring person, who cares about his flocks. A shepherd is prepared to make many sacrifices in protecting his flocks. A shepherd is a loving person who loves his flock. A shepherd is a brave person, who would fight to defeat the evil in protecting his flock. A shepherd is a watchful person, who keeps his eyes always on his flocks. A shepherd is a leader who leads the flock. A shepherd is a nourishing person who feeds the flock by leading the flocks to the pastures. A shepherd is a tending person who knows his flocks' needs. A shepherd is a discerning person who knows to understand the good and evil on behalf of his flocks. Likewise, I can describe the qualities and characteristics of a natural shepherd in the background of scripture and in the minds of the world. Above all, shepherd signifies a quality which is required for every Christians in living a Christian life. Jesus Christ our Lord, elevated the shepherd's identity comparing to His holy identity as He said, I am the good shepherd. By this shepherd's quality, role, and responsibilities are sanctified and glorified. In Him, through Him, and with Him, the Church is the shepherd for the world.

My understanding of Church and the purpose of Catholic Church in the world is not just to serve the Catholics but also to serve the Universe which includes all creations including human. While Church plays the shepherd's role for the world, the appointed Shepherds of the Church by Our Lord Jesus Christ from the Peter's Holy office, cardinals, Bishops, and to the priests and Decans' office the shepherd-ship of the Holy Catholic Church is physically, naturally, and  mystically  execute the reign of Jesus Christ's good news to the world through Gospel, sacraments, sacred tradition, magisterial presence, moral and ethical defense, and in the millions of ways as per the demands of times in interaction with the world in God's will. The above Shepherd's office is a macro Holy Office and Holy Call with the divine authority and apostolic anointing from Jesus Christ Himself . For this sacred call there is a required divine qualification, which can be be understood from the conversation of Peter and Jesus Christ after Jesus's resurrection. There was a divine interview conducted by our Lord Jesus Christ, in which He asked Peter one question three times. The question is, "Do you Love me?" Peter answer was Yes Lord I love you, as he states his answer in three different ways and with personal convictions. From this I understand the Divine Shepherd's qualification is Love for Jesus. As Jesus heard Peter's answer three times, each time He gives him three different responsibilities and three different roles. Feeding the lambs, feeding the sheeps, and tending the flock.From this I understand the emergent roles and responsibilities vested upon the divine shepherds of the Universal Catholic Church and its leaders are from Jesus described three roles.There are some who believe that Catholic Church Shepherd is only for Catholic Church but It is my opinion holy Catholic Church ministry is to the entire world and universe. While its natural reign is among the Holy Catholic Church where the disciples come from, its natural presence into the world reveals the mystical presence of the Holy Trinity into the world as Emanuel's presence, As Jesus said, "I will be with you always to the end of the world". In addition, my understanding and believe is that with Jesus Christ's shepherd reign through the Church leaders, along with them the mystical body of Christ including all the catholic families are called to live a discipleship life that would minister to the entire world and Universe. The holy Catholic Church is a natural and mystical body of Christ, who is the bride of Jesus Christ, whose reign is the Kingdom of God on earth for the purpose of feeding the lambs, feeding the sheeps, and tending the flock in the world.

While Apostles are called to the Apostle's Holy office of life which include the Pope, Bishops, Priests, and Decans, there is the flock, which is the body of Christ, which is emerging and expanding body as the good news is spread throughout the world. This body of Christ witness to Jesus ministry through their families, through their work, through their life and witness. This body of Christ called to live a discipleship life, which has a qualification, which is to follow Christ. When Jesus lived as a human in this world multitudes of people came to listen to Him. Among them hundreds of them became His disciples. These disciples not only listened to Jesus teachings but also followed Him wherever he went. Follwing Jesus in our times may be following His teachings in our own life. When one does that the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit through the life of that person becomes the light and salt to the community, in which that person lives, which has a power to speak  a mighty Good news without a single word. This very call of life is known as discipleship. This life include all the men and women who believe in Jesus Christ.


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