A prayer to you Father! Have Mercy on us! Protect our Shepherds Father!

Heavenly Father, I thank you for this day, moment, and time in our life. I thank you for all the gifts, talents, blessings, and faith, you have entrusted to us. I  thank you for the gift of our Mother Church here on earth, which holds your presence and serves as your sanctuary and our consolation on earth. Thank you for our beloved Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Decons, religious, laities, and faithfilled families, who collectively make the Church. I reflect upon your promise saying that you will be with us to the end of the world. Although we are unworthy and underseing sinners, you are so faithful in your promise Father, that you call men and women to sacrifice their entire life, just to guide sinners like us. While holy men and women follow your call sacrificing their life, You renew this universe, world, nations, communities, families, and individuals continiously and relentlessly through Holy Spirit's actions channeled by your servants. I thank you for the ministry call you have vested on each one of them.

Loving Father, I pray to you for the protection of our beloved shepherds of Faith, by thy Holy Name. Beloved heavenly Father, we do not deserve any of the sacrifices these holy men and women make following your foot steps to serve us. Have mercy on us and forgive us for the times we have been critical on them. Have mercy on us and forgive us for the times we have been scandal to derail the faith of your called servants. Have mercy on us for the times we have betrayed our shepherds for worldly gains. Have mercy on us and forgive us for the moments we have neglected our services to your servants. Have mercy on us and forgive us for hurting them by thoughts, words, and actions. Above all Father, forgive us for the times we stood as a bystanders and failed to defend our shepherds, when world had its hands on them.

Loving Father, I pray to you for the increase in vocation and priesthood.

This is my prayer to you Father. Amen!


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