St. Ignatius Loyola: The Founder of Jesuits
“The saints were of the same frame as I. Why should I not do as they have done?”
“I beg of you for the love and reverence of God our Lord to remember the past, and
reflect not lightly but seriously that the earth is only earth.”
“He who remembers the presence of God is less open to other thoughts, especially bad
thoughts. As long as we believe that God sees us, we are restrained from daring to sin
before such a Witness and Judge. In two ways the presence of God is an antidote
against sin: First, because God sees us, and secondly because we see God.”
“To be with the Church of Jesus Christ with but one mind and one spirit, we must
carry our confidence in her, and our distrust of ourselves, so far as to pronounce that
true which appears to us false, if she decides that it is so; for we must believe without
hesitation that the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ is the spirit of his spouse, and that
God who formerly gave the Decalogue is the same God who now inspires and directs
his church.”
“For the superior is not to be obeyed because he is prudent, or kind, or divinely gifted
in any other way, but for the sole reason that he holds the place of God and exercises 8
the authority of Him who says, ‘He who hears me you hears me and he who despises
you despises me.’”
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